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The progressive web comic about Trump's January 6th speech.

start rant

Fighting Words

If you gave a speech about Trump and you used the word "treason" twenty times most Republican Congressmen would continue to vote against heating subsidies for the nation's poor.


Don't call this impeachment trial a "trial". It's not a trial.

A trial means jurors will judge on the preponderance of evidence. 2/5's of this "jury" will judge on the size of the checks they receive from the RNC, the Koch Foundation, and Mother Russia.


I keep hearing Trump has the GOP running scared because he has a ton of money as a result of his vote-hoax scam and will use it to run his choice of Trumpy candidates in future races.

1. Trump's a tight-wad.
2. How do more MJT's in Congress benefit Trump?
3. I call bullshit. The GOP are just using this as an excuse to continue being heartless, useless bastards.


I'm watching Joe Biden lead this country, doing positive things, instead of just causing chaos.

Loving it!


I wonder if the QAnon's think Patrick Mahomes is the winner of this year's Super Bowl.


end rant

News & Notes for February 9, 2021

DOJ will ask majority of Trump-appointed US attorneys to resign.

Majority of Independent voters think Trump encouraged Capitol violence.

Trump aides: "The President was loving watching the attack on the Capitol."

Georgia opens investigation into Trump's interference in their 2020 voting process.

Parler, Trump, and Russia all jump into bed together.

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