the Bus
It's too bad the
video of the shooting
of Jacob Blake wasn't
withheld until after
the officer had already
made his report.
I'm sure it would
have contained a
lot of "Resisting
arrest", "He
went for my gun" and "My
gun accidentally
went off seven times."
You know, the usual
police alibis after
they lose their shit
because black people
attempt enjoy to
American freedom
like white people
I was having trouble
following the DeJoy
hearings in the House
today. I could hear
him lie just fine
but every time he
was on screen there
was this big middle
in the way that obscured
his nervous, stuttering
rat-like face.
Instead of paying everyone to stay home during the
covid-19 pandemic wouldn't it have made more sense
to test everyone and then pay only the infected to
stay home and isolate until they were healed? Cell
phones could be used to geo-locate the sick and make
sure they stay home until they were better. Anyone
caught sneaking out for a beer would not only lose
their stipend but be also fined.
We can still do this, you know. I think it would end
the problem in a matter of weeks.
Melanoma Trump reportedly
took 21 trips within
three months to NY
to get her hair done.
(Taxpayer cost: $675,000)
I thought she was
just being an entitled
grifter until a nice
lady told me that
trips to the hair
stylist that often
are pretty much what
you'd expect from
a woman going gray.
So Fat Hitler gets
painted orange daily
while his consort
gets the Clairol's
Brownshirt Bloodstained
Moon #27 treatment. Your
tax dollars at work.
Remember when President
Obama lost a legal
battle against a
Yeah, me, neither.
I think Stormy Daniels
should donate a framed
copy of the check
to the inevitable
Donald J. t-Rump
Presidential Library
and Adult Novelty
Store that will be
erected off I-30
and the Buzzard Junction
off-ramp near downtown
Missing Chromosome,
Fun Fact:
2500 dairy cattle
excrete as much waste
as 400,000 humans.
That specific amount
of feces is scientifically
referred to as a "Sean