On the Job
In 2006 Dubya signed
a Republican bill,
sponsored by Susan
Collins, that forced
the USPS to fund
plan for the next
75 years.
That fund now sits
at $120 billion dollars.
t-Rump and Louis
DeJoy are currently
dismantling the USPS.
I wonder where all
that pension fund
money is going to
eventually go?
Answer: It's not
going to the employees.
It'll go to the new
owners of the Postal
Service. That's how
America works.
Nancy Pelosi had
a conversation with
Postmaster General
Louis DeJoy today.
It went something
like this:
Pelosi: "Will
you replace the mail
DeJoy: "Up yours!"
Pelosi: "Will
you replace the sorting
DeJoy: "Eat
Pelosi: "Will
you reinstate overtime?"
DeJoy: "Reinstate
THIS, muthafukkah!"
Pelosi: "Seriously?"
Dejoy: "Trump2020,
(I am, of course,
paraphrasing Dejoy's
actual responses
but there's little
doubt this is what
he was thinking.)
What Joe Biden should have said last night:
"My fellow Americans. Unlike some Russian puppet I know I didn't spend two
hours this afternoon in a make-up chair being spray-painted orange and having
the single remaining strand of hair on my head intricately woven into the shape
of a golden
Sumatran rat.
Unlike some third-rate tyrant I know I didn't prepare for the campaign talking
to Vladimir Putin on the phone as he was preparing poison for his political enemies
while drawing pictures in crayon on how best to replace House Democrats with
Junior Miss America contestants.
Unlike a certain sociopathic narcissist I know I didn't look at charts noting
the steadily rising numbers of Americans who have died of the coronavirus and
wishing they were popularity polls.
I am filled with pride at the number of smart and talented people who have graced
the stage during this convention, especially your new Vice President, Kamala
Harris. Unlike a certain lying asshole with teeny-tiny hands who will have c-list
actors, pillow salesmen, indicted criminals, witch doctors and God knows who
else at the RNC trying their best to put a positive spin on a failed economy
and 175,000 covid-19 deaths.
This election is going to be different because, as much as I love and respect
Hillary Clinton, this time that thing squatting in the White house bunker is
running against a man, so he can't pull that misogyny bullshit again.
As such, I look forward to our debates. And if that fat bastard starts wandering
around the podium again because his Adderall kicked in too soon I'm going to
kick him in the balls. Which, honestly, will be difficult as Putin keeps them
in a jar in his Moscow mansion propping open a door to his room full of incontinent
hookers, but I'll do it.
Thank you all for your vote of confidence and I'll see you at the polls. Wear
a mask, wash your hands and God bless the United States of America."
Kamala Harris's "I
know a predator when
I see one" probably
went right over Lil'Shenko's
head, but the rest
of America gets it.
A difference between
Biden and Fat Hitler...
Joe Biden smiles
easily and readily
for everyone.
t-Rump smiles only
for Putin.