Senate's Bluff
bright side of Chubby
Hitler threatening
to put Republican
Senators heads on
pikes is, apart from
the "Republican-heads-on-pikes" part,
that he seems to
be so worried and
unsure about the
outcome that he has
to threaten the jurors.
Seriously, if he
REALLY had the Senate
in his pocket would
he have to threaten
them like this?
This gives me irrational
cause for hope.
Let me get this straight:
Senate Republicans
are now saying that
voting for witnesses
in the impeachment
trial is a waste
of time because Trump
would cite executive
privilege, thus obstructing
witnesses from an
obstruction trial,
which means he's
got to be found innocent.
That sounds a bit
like the old joke
about the man on
trial for killing
his parents, begging
the judge for leniency
because he's an orphan.
First no soldiers
were harmed in Iran's
attack on the U.S.
base in Iraq. Then
we hear it's eleven
men injured. Now
we hear it's 34 men
injured. And all
this time tRump is
saying "Awww, it
was no big deal."
I want one enlisted
man who voted for
Trump to leave a
message in the Comments
and tell us all how
this is okay.
The New Fascist administration
a rule on Friday,
today, that makes
it harder for pregnant
to come to the U.S.
to have their children,
thus giving them
dual citizenship.
The new rule is they
have to prove they
can pay for the birth.
Why is that important?
Because Trump runs
hotels in Florida
where rich
Russian women come
to have their babies.
he charges them as
much as $87,000 for
the process. These
are now Russian children
with dual-citizenship.
Which mean 35 years
from now one of those
could be president.
Trump just wants
to keep Mexican babies
out of the country
because he doesn't
make a 'red cent'
off them (Except
the kickback he gets
from the $750-a-night-per
child concentration
camps on the border.)