A Week, Huh?
A message from the last honorable Republican president:
“The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of
all hunting expeditions.”
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Why did Bill Barr really want the AG job?
Until late 2018 he served on the board of Time Warner,
which AT&T wanted to acquire. The DOJ fought the
merger for years and Barr promised, as AG, he'd recuse
himself from the process.
He was approved as AG on February 14th, at which point
the DOJ said "We're not going to fight this case
any longer". The merger went through two weeks
Did I mention Barr has at least $2 million in AT&T
For the record, in Barr's eight years with Time Warner
he was instrumental in the layoff of 10,000 employees.
Meanwhile he saw to it that CEO Jeff Bawkes compensation
package went from $26 million a year to $50 million
a year.
Did anyone else here that huge, explosive noise that
sounded like "Screw You, America!"?
Yeah, that was Senate Leader Mitch McConnell triggering
the nuclear option on the appointment of federal judgeships.
Republicans can now ram through conservative federal
judges to lifetime positions with as little as two
hours of debate, as opposed to the 30 hours previously
Why would McConnell do this? Because he knows Republicans
will lose the Senate and the Presidency in 2020 so
it's time to pack the courts with conservative apparatchiks
NOW. And once you own the courts in this country you
own everything.
I have an idea regarding the increasing number of extremist/supremacist
videos appearing on the net, especially on Youtube.
How about a Youtube/Wikipedia hybrid?
The site would allow video content but it would require
that the content be collaboratively fact-checked. Videos
that undergo rigorous examination, and pass, will be
higher in the search index. Those that receive lower
scores will require revision or face deletion.
Reviewers can remain anonymous but they would have
to supply enough personal information to ensure that
they're real people. This would also limit each person
to one account only.
Just a thought. What you thinky?
(PS, this would never work on Facebook, which shows
you just how dangerous FB can be to the public zeitgeist.)
And finally: Adam Schiff, you totally rock!