Hate to Have to Explain the Joke, But...
It's been estimated that Fuckface von Clownstick has
puked-up at least 10,000 whoppers since entering the
White House.
an average of about one lie per waking hour, so a clock
like the one in my 'toon is not so far-fetched.
I generally like Bill Maher. He seems to be "one of
But not last Friday.
Ohhh, shit! Not last Friday.
During his latest "New Rule" segment Maher
totally misrepresented the Mueller investigation, complaining
that there was no indictment of Drumpf, or that Mueller
didn't follow the money, or that Mueller ended the
investigation too soon.
Bill, Bill, Bill.
(1) Mueller had one job: To look for Russian
interference in the 2016 election. That was all.
(2) Mueller didn't follow the money because
(See 1).
(3) Mueller didn't end the investigation. Barr ended
the investigation before Mueller was finished, and
he obviously had a long way to go. Cheeto-Benito
couldn't fire Mueller without being obviously obstructy
he could
his reliable
toady call off the dogs.
Mueller didn't
indict Twitler
because (See 3).
Besides, indictment
of the Prez is
NOT the DOJ's
policy, as Mueller
has reminded us.
Thankfully, Mueller
left plenty
of breadcrumbs
for the House feast
upon, and
there's still a
shit-load of
redacted tidbits
for dessert that
are "wafer-thin",
if you get my drift.
(5) And even if Mueller was only
after dirty Russian hackers he
still put many of Agent Orange's closest patsy's
in jail along the way, not to mention opened 14
on-going investigations into Trump
and his business pals.
At the very least, when Boss Tweet leaves office
he'll eventually occupy the same jail cell in which
Cohen now resides, for the very same crime. Maybe
they'll give each other a terrorist fist bump as
they pass each other in the hall.
I honestly don't understand why someone as savvy
as Maher decided to take such a simple-minded,
Fox News-like
stance on the Mueller investigation. It honestly
frightens me that he actually took five minutes
to give Barr and Trump cover.
How long before the Giant Orange Man-Baby and Fox News
try and make us believe our Quisling-in-Chief was born
of a virgin?
Also, how long before he issues an executive order
declaring his birthday be changed to December 25th.
If you had a guy in your office that said stuff like "Didja
know that doctors execute babies after they're born?",
he wouldn't have his job long.
But that's our little quisling.
By my rough calculations it's been over 3600 days since
George W. Bush cleared any brush.
Gee. I wonder why that is.
And finally: Joe Biden, go home. 76 is not the new