I recall an Abraham Lincoln quote that perfectly sums
up the So-Called President's recent press conference:
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool
than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Back in early 2002, after the attack of 9-11, fervent
Bushies kept yapping "Think how bad this would
have been if Gore had been President". Much face-palming
ensued from people who knew better.
So now Tr*mp is screwing the pooch in a way previously
unimaginable. So guess what the fervent Tr*mpies are
going to be saying sooner rather than later. That's
"Think how bad this would be if Hillary had been elected."
Just wait. It'll happen. I'm getting my palm ready.
By President Obama's first 45 days in office he'd passed
a stimulus package that helped reverse the economic
recession and signed legislation that bailed-out the
auto industry. Mr. Obama saved this country's economic
So far, Groper McTinyPinkies has done nothing to help
create jobs, and has nothing planned. So far he's just
BEING an ass.
Didja Know: Our psychological assault of a president
is building a helipad at Mar-a-Lago so he can fly the
mile and a half to and from the airport and therefore
avoid all of his "supporters" on the route.
Stephen Colbert: "Presidential spokesman Stephen
Miller said that the powers of the President will not
be questioned. Let's put that to the test... What the
FUCK are you talking about?"
Our So-Called President: "I inherited a mess."
Stephen Colbert: "Wrong. You inherited a fortune.
You're making a mess."
White House spokesman Stephen Miller said he'd "go
on any show, any time, anywhere" to prove the
So-Called President's claim of voter fraud.
After hearing this Stephen Colbert invited Miller to
come to the Late Show, today, Feburary 15th. Said Colbert: "If
you don't come on my show I'm going to call you a liar.
If you DO come on my show I'm going to call you a liar
to your face."
He didn't show.
Why does the So-called President think he can lie to
the American people and get away with it?
Because a poll taken in 2015 showed 42% of Americans
believed that WMDs were found in Iraq.
So, yeah, you can. With impunity.
Day 25: Hillary Clinton has not been locked up by the
Trump administration.
Gotta be any day now though, right? I mean, that woman
is a menace. No telling how many ambassadors she'll
kill before she's through.