is America, land of both religious freedom
and freedom from religion. So if,
as a Jew, you want to use the Hebrew calendar
to date your checks, so be it. Same for
the Chinese, the Hindus, and any
Greek fundamentalist longing for the good
old Julian days. That's why I, as a practicing
have decided
to ignore the current and bizarre method
based on the supposed birth-date of
a mythological bronze-age man and
instead start dating my checks using the
year 13800002015 as that's how
the Big
Bang occurred. Hallelujah!
Just a reminder:
We lost the Western Black rhinoceros in
2013 and the Northern African White rhinoceros
in 2014, plus we're currently down to
a scant handful of Javan
leopards, less than 250 adults at last
I heard a space researcher
on the radio today saying we need to
get started terraforming Mars, giving all
us sensitive, thoughtful humans an escape
route should
something dreadful happen to mankind's
cradle. But
if we can't take simple steps to protect
and all of our fellow creatures I'm not
sure what kind of life that would be. At
the very least it would make for one really
dismal Ark mythology
for our future Mars children if all we
could offer is that we let Earth's creatures
die while we were busy partying, waiting
for the next killer asteroid.
case it wasn't readily apparent, today's
'toon was a riff of a famous Saturday Evening
Post cover, rendered by the delightful
Leyendecker. Swapping
"Raging Pencils" for "Evening
pretentious as hell but as long as I'm
standing on the shoulders of giants I may
as well go for the dunk. Click the image
for a larger version..