is the final Raging Pencils cartoon for
2014. It marks a year in which I lost three
of my beloved cats and, totally unrelatedly,
had to be briefly hospitalized for stress. There
weren't enough art assignments these past
365 days but, then again, there never are. You
think I'd be used to this by now.
On the plus side, pageviews of Raging Pencils increased significantly from
4.8 million in 2013 to 6.4
million in 2014. Officially, the most popular
comic was this
one and the least-viewed
'toon was,
in a larger sense, all of the rest.
2014 was the year I discovered Breaking
Bad and Rick & Morty. It was also
the year I finally got some decent medical
insurance. Thanks, Obama.
Regardless, Happy Relatively Insignificant
Chronological Event, everybody! And thanks
for coming along for the 2014 ride.
One last thing: If, like a good
progressive, you believe that throwing
money at a problem is a good idea then
consider starting off the year by supporting
Raging Pencils via a tiny monthly micro-payment
good graces and clever programming of Patreon.
I shall now talk no more of this. I
feel dirty and ashamed.