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we federally regulated cars the way we regulate guns it
would be like Russian Roulette on Wheels
on our nation's roads. No air bags or seat belts, no speed
limits or yearly inspections.
No backup lights or gas mileage requirements. No emissions
controls. No crosswalks, streetlights, stop signs, and
the roads would be full of potholes.
And just imagine the
road rage.
So it's a good thing we didn't write the Bill of Rights
in, say, 1957 where the ownership of at least two cars
was every man's inalienable right. That would have been
the 1st Amendment.
Try and pass a law about the way I drive MY car, pal?
Fat chance.
It's clear we need regulations to make guns safer for the
general populace, though let's require insurance for each
gun, just for starters.
As for making them less lethal, here's a few ideas.
First, require guns to have the same sort of keyed lock
mechanism that are used in cars. That way only you,
or someone else with a copy of the key, could use it.
Second, when the gun is unlocked it should begin making
a very distinctive beep about every two seconds.
This will tell anyone within earshot that a loaded gun
is armed and ready to fire, which will also keep someone
from sneaking up on you, with malice in his or her heart.
This sound
also alert
to the fact that little Billy has
found the
keys while they were busy watching Duck Dynasty.
As for bank robberies, it would be fun wathching a crook
with nothing but a finger in his coat pocket going "Beep-beep-beep"
while the clerk just stares at him.
This warning beep will, of course, require a battery in
every gun, which could be solar powered, and should it
ever run
the gun will not fire. (Hey! Quit whining! If you can keep
iPhone charged, you can keep your gun charged.)
Also, let's find a way to set guns on "stun" in
nonlethal situations. For example, when a stray
is lunging at you the momentum of the bullets could
be choked somehow to deliver a solid whack rather than
a penetrating kill.
Note: In "stun mode" the frequency of the beep
could be slowed to about half-normal speed, indicating
the nonlethal mode. Nonlethal
mode should also be the default mode. See: Little Billy,
Finally, all guns should show a readout of how many
bullets are still in its chamber so we can once and for
all disallow
the total bullshit "I didn't know it was loaded" excuse.
Ridiculous? Maybe, but no worse than letting
just anyone own a gun, like it is now.
Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
Doesn't the GOP have anything better to do than try and
derail Hillary Clinton's ride to the White House in 2016
by bitching about something that happened THIRTEEN
TIMES during the Bush years? You probably don't know
about this because Fox News didn't bellow nary an impeachable
word about these other attacks, especially
24/7 like they're doing now.
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Comparative Safety Features
Car: Designed to transport people from point A to point
safety bumpers, body designed to crumple safely on
impact, anti-lock brakes, shatterproof glass, license,
inspection, rearview mirrors, radar detection, headlights,
brake-lights, side lights, defroster, airbags, padded
dash, run-flat tires, keys, locks
Toaster: Designed to make toast.
Stay-cool top and sides, anti-tip-over sensor, bread
lift, cut-off switch, auto shut-off timer.
Gun: Designed to kill people.
