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you know that you can buy a bullet with your name
on it? The idea is that there's only one
bullet that has your name on it, one and only one which
will eventually spell your doom, so it may as
be tucked
away safely
in your very own sock-drawer.
(It's at this point that this dumb idea devolves
into any number of monkey's paw scenarios but, for
now, lets all pretend
that it works as described.)
If you think about it, such an item would make an
ideal baby gift.
"Congratulations on your new baby boy!" the card would
read. "In order to ensure his safety from stray gunfire
I've taken the liberty of putting his name on this
bullet. Tape it to the refrigerator or have one of
your hoodlum friends bury it in a shallow grave in
the woods. Your child is now pre-disastered and may
any street
with complete
impunity for the rest of his life."
If I ever win the lottery I think I'll take it upon
myself to send such an item to every new parent I can
locate. At the very least it might make them realize
there's a
way to protect their child's life, and the answer is
as close as their nearest voting booth.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt.
Romney made a number of gaffes on his European swing
but like any good vulture capitalist he knows where
buck stops.... with
the media.
How dare they print
the words that came out of his mouth and ignore
that mean old socialist back home driving honest
businessmen to their knees with his outrageous tax
My, Grandma, what thin skin you have.
Senate majority leader Harry Reid
reported yesterday that an investor at Bain Capital
told him that Mitt Romney
paid taxes in ten years.
Go onnnnnnnn.
Rick Gorka, Mitt's traveling press secretary, loses
his cool and tells reporters to "Kiss
my ass!"
Just a reminder: When Romney lost
the Massachusetts governorship he took all of the
data with him. When he left his
post as the Olympics head he destroyed all of his
records. He's not sure when he worked for Bain Capital
and he's not releasing his taxes.
Nothing like transparency, eh?
On the last stop of Mitt's Foreign Charm Offensive
(heavy on the offensive) he was met by crowds in Poland chanting "O-ba-ma!

President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 47: Expanded
Stem-Cell Research
2009, eliminated the Bush-era restrictions on embryonic
stem cell research, which shows promise in treating spinal
injuries, among many other areas.
For the full list of his 50 finest achievements read the Washington
Monthly story.
now our Chart of the Day:
Fox News distorts a 4% tax rate difference.

version of the chart here.
Republican Job Creation Update
8-1-2012: The
House was in recess Monday the 30th. On the 31st they took votes on three
bills. One was to reduce executive positions subject to Senate approval
and one was to make tax delinquents ineligible for federal jobs. These
bills, so of course
they both passed. The third was an anti-abortion bill. It failed.
Negative jobs were created.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies.
Dump Fox News
News is hiding half the story on automatic
spending cuts.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.
If you enjoy Raging Pencils, might I also recommend:
Can't make sense of the news? Try our selection
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Dailykos • Crooks
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Points Memo
Today's Google
Melvin the Bullet Boy: Hi Mary Lou! Say! Are you free to
go to the prom this Saturday?
Mary Lou the Bullet Girl: Sorry, Melvin, but I'm planning
on being lodged in someone's brain that night.
Caption: Melvin knew he wasn't in the same class as girls
who had someone's name written on them but, dammit, he
to try..
