admit it, I'm a real sucker for Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen
Nightmares program. (It's on Netflix, BTW)
It offers me just the right combination of honest human
redemption. After
a few dozen episodes it's clear that Ramsay's portfolio
is limited to little more than riding herd on the staff
and simplifying the menus but it's great fun to see
people's lives improved, if only for a while, by the
of his culinary
BTW, I apologize for the photo technique I used
in today's comic. I tried creating each frame as a
cartoon but the photos
were just so much more effective. It won't happen again...
soon, anyway.
week Gary Trudeau's Doonesbury is
satirizing the new and onerous abortion
laws, particularly
Governor Rick Perry's brand of "love-the-fetus,
hate-the-child" variety down in Texas. Many newspapers
have already stated that they intend to censor the
strips, replacing them with less thought-provoking
editions, a sadly
predictable reaction in this era of Conservative over-reach.
If your paper is one of those that have chosen to censor,
please contact them and ask them why. But if your paper
full unabridged version
be sure and thank them for keeping an open mind.
Here are some handy-dandy links to the cartoons:
• Monday
• Tuesday
• Wednesday
• Thursday
perusing the Redbox listings this past weekend I stumbled
across Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert
a 25th anniversary production.
was streamed live to theatres
around the world last October and is just now available
on DVD. Knowing
Beloved Girlfriend is a fan of such things I snagged
a copy
and we watched
it on
BG's opinion is that it the best video edition of
the broadway show yet, marred only slightly by the
fact that it was structurally impossible to employ
the famous "chandelier
in the cavernous RAH. However, as a bonus, during
the encores five former Phantoms,
Brightman (the first Christine Daae) performed a rousing
ensemble performance of "The
Music of the Night". (See Mike's Movie Vault,
I enjoyed the spectacle of it all but, having never
seen the play before, I was surprised how thin the
plot was. Let's just say I'm
more of a Stephen Sondheim/Sweeney Todd kinda guy.
Still, if you're one of those who love this play,
and there are obviously legion of you out there, then
go get a copy. Beloved Girlfriend gives it
two goose bumps up. Way up!
Note 1: Legendary fantasy artist Jean
'Moebius' Giraud died today. He was a great influence
on us all and to me personally.
Note 2: New York police officer
corruption in the police department. His reward
is to be hauled off to a psych ward. For this we
fought the Cold War?
Note 3: It seems that LSD might
be a useful therapeutical tool for alcoholism.
My little mind is blown.
Note 4: You
know what British
coinage looks like, right? It's awesome! All
we got is that "In God We Dogmatize" stuff.
Note 5: According to the data, if
you're old and rich and white you're voting for Mitt
That leaves a WHOLLLLLE bunch of us to vote for Mr.
Note 6: Say "Hello!" to Rick
And now our Chart of the
Day: Average
weekly hours of private sector workers.

here for an immensely immenser version.
Republican Job Creation Update
3-12-2012: Last
Friday members of the House attended a hearing in
Saranac Lake, NY, to discuss a farm bill. And that
was it for the day.
Monday the House has
scheduled a single hearing on (Are
you ready?) "Explosion
of Federal Regulations Threatening Jobs and Economic
Survival in the West"... in Elko, Nevada.
those regulations! Damn them to HELL!
View the entire two-year list of non-job-related
House activities
Dump Fox News
did you hear that Sandra
Fluke, the woman Rush Limbaugh
called a "slut" and a "prostitute", is really just
a White House plant? Yup, Fox News said so, so
it must be true. Uh-huh.
Click here to help Drop
Fox from your cable system.