heart goes out to the people of Newtown. They didn't deserve
the deadly hand that fate dealt them on Friday but it was just
their turn.
Yes, their turn.
Until we eliminate access to assault weapons from the general
public it's just a matter of time before the next slaughter occurs.
Which means
that anyone against gun control is perfectly content with
large groups of innocent Americans dying in a hail of bullets,
whether in school, church, or seats of government. It's
just the price gun owners are willing to pay in order to
own a toy that goes BOOM.
The boilerplate libertarian view is that the Constitution places
no limit on gun ownership, that anything which shoots
bullets, preferably thousands per minute, should be at the ready
the next time some teenager's music is
loud. But the fact of the matter is that the Second Amendment
applies only to militias, not to the knuckleheads the NRA panders
Speaking of which, I'd like to add that for all the Tea Partier's
talk of "watering the tree of freedom
with the blood of tyrants" their total lack of action is this regard illustrates
what total pussies these gun-loving retards really are. Clearly
no amount of armed citizenry will ever have even the slightest
effect against a government protected by a trillion-dollar military.
Guns are not the light that leads us out of the darkness of
our savage society. They're the things that got us here. So
allow me to leave you with Uncle Lefty's "Three Awesome Truisms
About The Myth of Thundersticks":
(1) You cannot protect yourself from a gun with a gun. (If that
were true JFK would still be alive today.)
(2) You are MUCH more likely to be shot by someone you know than
by a stranger. (All the more reason not to keep a gun in the
(3) The bad guys always shoot first.
That's how you know they're the bad guys. (And, unfortunately,
vengeance is rarely an option as you'll probably be dead.)
Gun control now, before your child takes the next bullet. No
Bonus Video: Phil Ochs' "Small Circle of Friends",
an anthem for those with something better to do.
day in this country young adults are forced
into the streets with
no place
to go
and little
to eat. Luckily for them there's places like Covenant
House. It
not only meets the immediate needs of homeless kids
also helps guide them to a self-sufficient future.
So if
you have a few bucks left over after buying Aunt Thelma
that new snood please consider making a small holiday
donation to this worthy organization.
Republican Job Creation Update
12-14-12: The
House Took the day off. No jobs were created.
For the full list of Republican
sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Chart of the Day: Gun Deaths per 100,000

Larger version of chart here.