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The progressive comic about Trump kowtowing to putin.

end rant

Reach Out and Punch Someone

Captioned photos.

Yeah, I know. Cheesy.

But not half as cheesy as that rapidly deteriorating quisling in the White House handing everything over to this nation's enemies on a gold-plated silver platter.

And the man who could end all life on this planet is giving it all up because Putin probably has photos of him engaged in some fetishistic endeavor that would make the Whore of Babylon blush.


Speaking of Armageddon, I don't want to sound too alarmist but I think we're rapidly approaching the point where if Russia nukes Europe I'm thinkin' Trump wouldn't nuke Russia in retaliation. Too much subservience to Putin means the whole concept of "mutually assured destruction" goes right out the window. That's not healthy for children and other living things.

Anyone else think so?

Oh, well. If we all burn in atomic fire at least we won't have to worry about the price of eggs or trans kids in the wrong bathroom or Hillary's secret pizza pedophile lair anymore.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacular News for February 16, 2025

President Pickles has a snit-fit and bans AP from the White House.

Trump dumbass officials fired nuclear weapons staff.

Pam Bondi is a goddamn idiot.

83 percent of Americans say Trump should obey Supreme Court rulings.

Nazi flags can fly in Utah schools, but not pride flags.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

’re now talking to the ruler of the most powerful military in the known universe. Putin: Da, and you are talking to man who has tape of fat orange imbecile deflowering orphan pirozhki maidens. Okay, what do you want? Everything.

The progressive comic about Trump's subservience to Putin

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