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The progressive comic about Trump's unceasing gibberish

end rant


I think the honest reason that Trump is selecting a cabinet of mentally and ethically challenged yes-men is that had he surrounded himself with competent, patriotic men and women he’d be in continual fear that at any moment one of them might snap as a result of his incessant inhumane buffoonery and would try to gouge his eyes out with one of his god damn Sharpies.


The cybersecurity company is Cloudflare.

As I drew this 'toon I imagined the inside of Trump's skull filled with lava lamps, just not the attractive, brightly lit and colorful kind you find at Target or your local head shop.

No, I pictured them more like vials of tepid urine in which stools of various textures and off-colors percolated in the gangrenous concoction, fermenting slowly in the heat of a body wrapped in folds of blubber, accumulated from the ingestion of a thousand Big Macs, like a dying sperm whale.

You know... like that.


News I expect to hear any day now:

"This just in: An iceberg flying the Saudi Arabian flag has, totally without warning, smashed into Trump Tower in downtown New York. At the time, President Trump was in Florida reading a Russian translation of “The Manchurian Candidate” to both a group of schoolchildren and Judge Aileen Cannon.

Trump responded to the New York event by immediately launching an invasion of Greenland claiming they have WMDs, or 'walruses of mass destruction'."

(I know what this sounds like but, no, you’re thinking of an entirely different false flag operation.)


Some years ago Fox News' Tucker Carlson was sued by actress Karen McDougal for defamation. Carlson had told his audience that McDougal had extorted $150,000 from Trump to keep quiet a year-long affair she had with him. won the case

(What? Trump? Pay off someone to keep quiet about an affair? He would NEVER do that! Never in a million years.)

Anyhoo, ol' Tuck won his case by convincing the court that any viewer who thought Carlson had an ounce veracity they'd have to be rock-pickin' crazy.

Which is the very defense I plan to use when Trump's lawyers (possibly) come knockin' because I claimed he ate a few babies at Mar-a-Lago (See last cartoon) or the times I've called him a rapist, which the judge in the E. Jean Carroll case clarified for all good little cartoonists.


Sorry that Wednesday's 'toon had to arrive on a Thursday. Shit happens.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftalicious News for January 9, 2025

President Joe Biden to institute more Russian sanctions.

Justice Department accuses six major landlords scheming to keep rents high.

President Joe Biden bans unpaid medical bills from appearing on credit reports.

15,000 doctors sign letter urging Senate to reject RFK Jr. as health secretary.

FBI source behind fake Hunter Biden bribery claim jailed for six years.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

(Comments are moderated for misinformation, not content.)

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

There’s a cybersecurity company that uses lava lamps to create random numbers for secure encryption keys. They do this by digitizing a photo of one hundred lava lamps into an irreproduceable string of ones and zeroes. There is probably no better source of pure, randomized gibberish than this. Except. Trump: Electric heat makes me itchy. Let’s invade Greenland. I heart Hannibal Lecter. Tariffs.

The progressive comic about Trump's gibberish

Trump slapfight comic jeff bezos news comic