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The progressive comic about Texas abortion laws

end rant

A Turd By Any Other Name

This 'toon is not supposed to make anyone chortle with unabashed glee. It's supposed to make you want to throw stuff so I'll leave the chortling to Garfield. (I kid! I kid! I kid because I hate Garfield.)

Seriously, though, each baby that's quietly trashed, each woman who dies from a complication of pregnancy, is no less a victim of murder than every person insured by UnitedHealth Group who is denied treatment. But those responsible, those individuals who metaphorically pull the trigger, never face justice because they are buried deep within organizations like government bureaucracies or boards of directors.

The old but applicable saying of "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" is doubly galling because only stupid people would vote for such heartless bastards, or put them in management. And America has, apparently, become "Land of the free, home of the stupid."

Check the last election for proof of that.


Technical Note: I've contacted the powers-that-be about the inability to Like one another's Comments more than once. Hopefully they'll fix that problem soon.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftastic News for January 3, 2025

President Joe Biden awarded members of the J6 Committee the Presidents Citizens Medal.

President Joe Biden blocks sale of U.S. Steel to Japanese company.

President Joe Biden expected to permanently ban oil drilling in some federal waters.

President Joe Biden expected to announce creation of a new national monument in California.

Trump to be sentenced in election interference case on January 10th.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project:

the infinite cat project

(Comments are moderated for misinformation, not content.)

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Classic Raging Crappola
baby names comic
Baby names.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Texas sex education: Bible Texas pediatrician: Judge Texas delivery room: Coffin Texas nursery: Dumpster (no dumping. babies only)

Fun Fact: Record numbers of new Texas mothers are now disposing of their newborns in dumpsters and ditches. If you think someone should go to Hell for this, blame the Texas Republican Party, which created their absurdly restrictive Texas abortion laws.

The progressive comic about Texas stupid abortion restrictions

anne telnaes comic crappy new year  comic