A Turd By Any Other Name
This 'toon is not supposed to make anyone chortle with unabashed glee. It's supposed to make you want to throw stuff so I'll leave the chortling to Garfield. (I kid! I kid! I kid because I hate Garfield.)
Seriously, though, each baby that's quietly trashed, each woman who dies from a complication of pregnancy, is no less a victim of murder than every person insured by UnitedHealth Group who is denied treatment. But those responsible, those individuals who metaphorically pull the trigger, never face justice because they are buried deep within organizations like government bureaucracies or boards of directors.
The old but applicable saying of "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" is doubly galling because only stupid people would vote for such heartless bastards, or put them in management. And America has, apparently, become "Land of the free, home of the stupid."
Check the last election for proof of that.
Technical Note: I've contacted the powers-that-be about the inability to Like one another's Comments more than once. Hopefully they'll fix that problem soon.