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The progressive comic about the presidential debate and how badly Trump lost it

end rant

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Review: “Weirdo’s World" (Crime-Drama TV show, Fox News)
Episode 398 (Week of September 16-22, 2024)

The episode begins as a lone gunmen hides in the bushes outside Trump’s golf course, but he is spotted and flees before firing a shot. He is soon arrested and found to be a one-time Trump supporter upset by his foreign policies. As before Trump tries to shift blame for the attack onto the Democrats.

Trump continues his campaign of attacking minorities and begins threatening American Jews, tweeting that the majority of Jewish people in America are “blind, deaf, or very dumb” if they don’t vote for him and, if they don’t, “bad” things might happen to them. Later he states he’ll round up immigrants based on “serial numbers”.

During an interview Trump makes the delusional claim that the audience at the presidential debate with Kamala Harris was on his side and “went crazy” when he was fact-checked, forgetting that there was no audience that night.

One of Trump’s top endorsements, Mark Robinson, running for Governor of North Carolina, was discovered to have written online that “I’m a Black NAZI!” and that he wants to bring back slavery as he’d “like to own one”. He refuses to leave the race for Governor as his staff resigns en masse.

Rapper P Diddy Combs is arrested on charges of federal sex trafficking. Trump, knowing many photos exist of him and P Diddy together, goes on the attack by posting edited photos of Kamala Harris with Diddy.

Trump’s political opponent, Kamala Harris, and CNN agree to a second presidential debate date. Trump, knowing a second debate would be fatal for his campaign, defers with the vague comment “It’s too late.”

Trump is confronted with an open letter by over 741 former national security officials saying Trump is unfit to lead, calling him “impulsive and ill-informed”. Furthermore, his hopes of causing a government shutdown over the federal budget fails when his own party refuses to include a symbolic bill he championed.

As the episode ends Trump wearily claims that he will not run for president again in 2028 if he loses this election. As the credits roll no one is certain of his true intent.


Would some nice Democratic Congressperson please propose a gun-control bill called "The Thoughts and Prayers Act" so that the next time there's a mass shooting no Republican legislator can offer "thoughts and prayers" without also referring to gun control.

Thank you.


I've never held much interest in the stock market but I have to say that watching Trump's Truth social stock numbers sliding inevitably into the abyss is giving me the kind of pleasure I usually only associate with the company of dark-eyed ladies.


Final note: My previous comic, about "Beepers for Trump", earned me a big fat perma-ban on the /r/politicalhumor sub-Reddit because it "threatened violence".

I think it would have been perfectly okay with the mods if I had drawn a picture of Trump paragliding into an active volcano because that's just silly, right? But I think the odds of Trump landing in that volcano would have been actually smaller than those of a murder-beeper arriving in Fat Hitler's hands between now and his inevitable coronary infarction from too many Big Macs with extra ketchup.

Besides, until Trump comes out in favor of beeper-control laws he can just suffer the consequences.

Convince me I'm wrong.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftalicious News for September 23, 2024

Montana somehow leaves Kamala Harris off its early ballots. Can't imagine how that happened.

Trump tells women they broke and depressed and only he can help them quit thinking about abortion. This is called "nuclear-powered gas-lighting".

JD Vance makes everyone forget about how dumb Dan Quayle was.

Ron DeSantis tries to force students to think their genitalia doesn't exist and has no real purpose.

Trump branded as "ill-informed" and "unfit" by over 700 former security officials.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
emmigration comic
Keep on pluckin'.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Debating the Debate
Lefty: You lost the debate by almost 30 points.
Trump: No, I won because ABC gave Kamala all the answers.
Trump: And the audience went crazy when I was fact-checked.
Lefty: There was no audience.
Trump: Kamala had receivers in her earrings.
Lefty: I thought you said she used voodoo on you.
Trump: That, too!
Lefty: You lost because you are unable to interact like a normal human.
Trump: Listen! I hear Haitians eating pets!

The progressive comic about Trump losing the debate.

netanyahu's ceasefire comic beepers for trump  comic