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The progressive comic about beepers for Trump

end rant


Am I suggesting we send exploding beepers to Mar-a-Lago?


I'm just saying that it'd be hilarious if a million or so of these things suddenly arrived on Donald's Florida doorstep. Maybe he could store them in that bathroom that once held all those stolen classified documents.

Yes, this cartoon is in bad taste but let's be clear... Trump is Netanyahu's man. Bibi travelled down to Florida to meet with the giant orange stinky clown back in July and there was no subsequent journey northward to DC. Trump would gladly stand back and let Israel pave over Gaza and the West Bank with new condos for its "homesteaders" if he wins the U.S. election.

I can even envision Trump liking the murder-pager idea so much that, as dictator, he'd mandate all Americans carry one at all times so he can Suicide Squad anyone that steps out of line.

Anyway, if you're as appalled as I was by the exploding pager attack, which killed many innocent children, then know ye that Trump is definitely part of that equation.


Trump's Project 2025 Fun Fact: P25 would put a lifetime cap on Medicaid benefits. Meaning, if you use up all your benefits while you're young then you're out of luck later when your body gets old and needs help.

All part of the Republican philosophy to not only to keep poor people poor, but to kick them when they're down.

More simply put: "Die and die quickly."


When I heard that the head of the UAW, Sean O'Brien, decided not to endorse a candidate in this year's election the first thing I thought was "Bribe".

Then I learned that O'brien spoke at the recent RNC, and I thought "Yup, bribe".

Then I learned that many local UAW unions are endorsing Harris and I thought "Uh-huh, bribe."

Then last night I listened to Keith Olbermann tell a story about his father, a noted architect, who told Keith that "nothing gets built in this country without someone getting a little taste of the action". And then Keith reminded us all that Trump was in the real estate biz his entire adult life. And if anyone knew how bribes work, it's Trump.

So, yeah.... bribe.


You know, when I (often) question what went down on 9/11 I'm not suggesting that lizard people wearing human skins used CGI to make people think airliners hit the Twin Towers and blew the two (three, really) buildings to pieces using Jewish space lasers.

I'm saying (buckle-up, buckaroos) that the oil-company CEO son of a previous head of the CIA was awarded the Presidency in 2000 by a Supreme Court, one of whom was named Clarence Thomas, that couldn't POSSIBLY have been corrupted by politics.

Dubya's opponent was part of an administration that had balanced the budget for the first time and who was eager to solve the impending climate crisis. Hard to imagine how an election was stolen and given to the oil-guy in a country run by the oil companies.

A quisling, btw, who by all accounts was not doing particularly well at the job. He ignored all warnings from security experts that an attack on this country was imminent, fled to his Governor-brother's state of Florida to read "My Pet Goat" to children on the very day of the attack (certainly a huge coincidence) and sat glassy-eyed as he was told twice that the country was under terrorist attack.

He later claimed, on two occasions, tha he saw the first plane strike on the Towers on a TV outside the classroom, video that would have been impossible for him to see without a CCTV link directly from a camera in New York which relayed the image to a TV in the Presidential limo.

But I digress.

As a result of the attack both Twin Towers magically poofed into massive plumes of dust, a result which made the world's architects sit up at their drafting tables and yell "WTFF?" as, being experts in their field, knew buildings didn't drop that way.

One of the other buildings in the complex, Building 7, which coincidentally held the SEC files of an ongoing investigation regarding Dubya's part in a possibly corrupt energy deal, simply collapsed into its own footprint and there's still no explanation.

America then went to war against a country, Afghanistan, that was famously resistent (Google "carpet of gold or carpet of bombs") to Big Oil's desire to run a pipeline through it and, after the invasion, suddenly had an American oil pipeline running through it.

Dubya advised the American public to ignore the fear, uncertainty and doubt his government officials were broadcasting almost hourly and to, instead, "just go shopping" as if nothing had happened.

Shortly after the attack the PATRIOT ACT, a 2800-page document gutting the Bill of Rights, appeared from nowhere and was rammed down Congress' throat as the ashes of the Twin Towers burned for weeks in what could only be objectively viewed as a thermite-fueled conflagration.

For his next trick Dubya lied about WMD's, which he made sound like nukes, in oil-rich Iraq and subsequently threw several trillion military tax-dollars into a middle-east quagmire because, we're told, Saddam wanted to kill Dubya's daddy. (Dubya could have invaded MY house for the exact same reason. He didn't because I have no oil.)

Later, after American forces allowed bin Laden to escape Tora Bora, Dubya said "I am not concerned with bin Laden" and went golfing, that is, when he wasn't "clearing brush" and avoiding press conferences, at his high-tech central-Texas bunker/prairie home.

And the world has been a wonderful, magical, better place ever since.

What I'm getting at here, and I'm going to quote the slogan for "Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe", from the Douglas Adams' book of similar title, to frame it: "If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the restaurant at the end of the universe?"

Essentially, "When there's been a shit-load of previously inconceivable events occurring sequentially in an absurdly short period of time in a manner that benefits both the oil companies, the military industrial complex, and the fascist oligarchy maybe we SHOULD be a bit more suspicious."

Lefty out.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftacious News for September 20, 2024

Trump threatens American Jews (Answering the question: What would Hitler do?)

Ted Cruz falls behind Colin Allred in Texas.

Four polls show Kamala Harris ahead of Trump in Pennsylvania.

Matt Gaetz really WAS at a sex-and-drugs party with an under-age woman. Surprise-surprise.

Producers of "The Apprentice" had to heavily edit the program to keep Trump from looking like a moron.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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