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The progressive comic about Trump's next desperate move.

end rant

Projection 2025

I turned on NPR this morning expecting to hear coverage of last night's DNC. What I heard was an old recording of Trump saying that access to abortion should be left up to the States.

What Trump is actually saying is that Republican-led states can take away the Constitutional rights of women.

Not expand rights. Take them.

If he was honest ("Honest"! Ha! I make myself laugh!) he'd say that access to abortion should be left up to the people and, so far, whenever the people have had the chance to vote on it, they overwhelmingly support it.

Fuck that guy.


New name for Trump: The Urinary Executive.


Holy crap! The DNC has been so much fun it's kind of slowed down my cartoon production but you'll get one tomorrow in addition to today's tardy addition.

Back to the DNC... Oprah! Hakeem! Bill! Mayor Pete! Big Daddy Walz! The were so many great speeches I'd be remiss not to share a few quotes:

Hakeem Jeffries: "Trump is like an old boyfriend who keeps circling the house and just won't go away."

Bill Clinton: "Next time you hear Trump talk don't count the lies, count the 'I's."

Michigan AG Dana Nessel: "By the way, I got a message for the Republicans and the justices of the US Supreme Court: You can pry this wedding band from my cold, dead, gay hand."

Oprah Winfrey: "Let us choose common sense over nonsense. We won't go back!"

Olivia Troye, former Trump admin official: "Being inside Trump's White House was terrifying, but what keeps me up at night is what will happen if he gets back there. The guardrails are gone. The few adults in the room the first time resigned or were fired."

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore: ""Loving your country does not mean lying about its history."

Geoff Duncan, a Republican and former Lt Gov of Georgia: "If Republicans are being intellectually honest with ourselves, our party is not civil or conservative. It's chaotic and crazy."

Pete Buttigieg: "The existence of my family is just one example of something that was literally impossible as recently as 25 years ago."

Tim Walz: "While other states were banning books from their schools, we were banishing hunger from ours."

Walz: "We're got a golden rule where I come from -- mind your own damn business."

Walz: “Never underestimate a public school teacher.”

Walz: "It's the fourth quarter and we're down a field goal but we've got the ball and we're driving. Let's go win this thing!"

And tonight Kamala brings America in for a group hug. Can't wait!


Yesterday I was talking with a neighbor, who I knew is not Democracy-friendly, and conversation eventually got around to the election. He mentioned, somewhat proudly, that Trump gave us all $1200 checks during the pandemic. I reminded him that President Biden gave us $1400 checks. The next words out of his mouth were, and I swear:

" I did not have sex with that woman."

Yes, the only support he had for Trump was to change the subject to Bill Clinton.

I took the opportunity to launch into an epic description of Trump's disgusting sexual escapades at which point neighbor-man decided there were some weeds that needed pulling.

Kamala/Walz 2024.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftazing News for August 22, 2024

Kamala is surging in Texas... TEXAS!

Kamala opens up lead over Trump in polling aggregate.

DNC TV ratings are stomping the RNC's.

Beyonce blocks Trump's use of her song in campaign video. LOL!

Neil Young give Tim Walz permission to use song that he denied Trump using. BWAH-hahahahahaha!

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Press: Mr. Trump, in light of Kamala's surge at the polls do you plan to offer any new policies?
Trump: Yes, my policy will be to convince the people that Kamabla is a twice-impeached, racist rapist who has been convicted on 34 counts of election fraud.

The progressive comic about Trump's next desperate move.

loser trump comic loser trump comic