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The progressive editorial cartoon about Memorial Day.

start rant

Memorial Day

Instead of wishing you all a pleasant day off how about I instead suggest that we stop killing each other strictly for the benefit of the uber-wealthy.


Side note: I woke up Sunday morning to find this cartoon at the very tip-top of my Reddit feed.

hitler comic

This is a nicely done mash-up of a Bill Bramhall cartoon (left) and one of my comics from 2021 (right).

I was initially flattered but then noticed they had deleted both of the credit lines for me AND Mr. Bramhall. Not cool, but not uncool enough to go to war about it.

What actually bothered me, though, is that this cartoon eventally received over 6000 up-boats, as they say on Reddit, while the original I posted barely received a tenth of that number.


See you on Wednesday.


end rant

Lefty News for May 29, 2023

Graduating Florida college kids give DeSantis definger.

During a college commencement address, Liz Cheney gave the Republican Party definger over voting rights.

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Goddamn Iowa gives transexual students definger.

Police murder Black man by denying him his heart medication.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

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The progressive editorial cartoon about Memorial Day

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