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The progressive editorial cartoon about President Joe Biden's accomplishments

start rant

Dry Hole

Dear Republicans;

When we run out of water there'll be no Kool-Aid left for your voters to drink.

Think about it.


Democrats just implemented a bill that will improve the health of both this planet and of the American people.

Conservatives are closing ranks around a Russian puppet who stole classified, top secret documents and kept them by his pool.


As Beau of the Fifth Column says "The issue of climate change needs to be on the ballot."

And I agree.


Trump affiliates have been caught illegally accessing voting equipment.

Raise your hand if youre surprised.


end rant

News & Notes for August 15, 2022

Trump threatens to unleash violence on this country by his followers because he's sad he got caught with classified documents.

Trump is, strangley, complaining that the FBI took his passports.

Climate change wasn't always a partisan issue.

Rand "Putin's Other Puppet" Paul suddenly wants to repeal the espionage law.

The legal walls are closing in on Graham and Giuliani.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Poozycat Project :

the infinite cat project

(Comments are moderated for misinformation, not content.)


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The address of the White House is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.

Trump is like the Queen he does not need a passport. Everyone knows his ugly face and his Trump plane would be welcome in Saudi Arabia.


Doesn't everybody? I'm sure he just forgot to turn in the one that listed his address as 1800 Pennsylvania Ave. On the inside cover it says "We know what he is. Just cut us some slack."


If the president was honest and very serious about climate change he would take away the oil companies subsidies.

Climate change will never be on a republican ballot as is isn't a distraction from the very problem the GQP causes.

On the verge of a nuclear war with Russia and China and the possibility of 5-Billion dead let's just hope 700 billionaires die with them.

Viva la France, for filling in golf courses with cement. We should do the same here.


Why does he have 2 passports?


I kinda assumed your readers followed Beau. I stumbled upon his channel a couple of years ago. Since then, I've been going through them from the beginning. It's amazing at how much he predicts that later comes to fruition or closely misses.

Classic Raging Crappola
crude oil comic
Crude Remarks.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Long ago, recently, today, tomorrow
Scientist: We might run out of water someday.
GOP elephant: Oil's more important.
Our water supply is in danger.
GOP: Abortion's more important.
The water's almost gone.
GOP: Wall Street is more important.
We've run out of water.
GOP: At least we still have guns to shoot ourselves with, right?

The progressive editorial cartoon about the endangered water supply.

the popular vote  comic biden did this  comic