Yes, I realize that this cartoon nutshell's
"Lysistrata" and, considering
how effective the play's strategy to
end war has been
for the past 2500 years, I think I'll
my creation some well-earned
poo-flinging and leave it at that.
Recently I had to shift the serving
of this web site from http to https,
for security reasons. It's possible
some of you may have trouble accessing
the site as a result. If so, that's
the reason. So reset your bookmarks
to https and hopefully all will be
peaches and cream.
It may be getting hotter this Summer
but you know what?
I won't have to
suffer the heat sick with covid, you
un-vaxxed bitches!
I've been vaccinated.
It feels so refreshing and honest and helpful to publicly
and openly "violate" my HIPAA rights.
Remember the H.G. Wells sci-fi classic "The War of
the Worlds"?
As the story goes, Martians with technological skills
far in advance of our own invaded this green Earth
and almost drove mankind to extinction. In the end
humans were saved and the alien enemy thoroughly defeated
by the simple microbes, viruses, and bacteria that
we on Earth blithely ignore. It killed the Martians
deader'n Mitch McConnell's ability to empathize with
the middle
The annihilation of the alien hordes came as a surprise
to most readers of the story because humans don't ordinarily
view themselves as the sacks of biological poison that
are. As proof, just
ask the Native Americans and the Central Americans
who expired by the millions, perhaps hundreds of millions,
from the multitudes of novel diseases the colonists
from the Old World and spewed all over the American
The blame lies with the cows, pig, and chickens the
Europeans consumed and co-evolved with, passing viruses
and forth. Those diseases that didn't outright kill
the local populations stuck around waiting for an
to flourish again.
One like, oh, colonization
of a foreign and isolated land.
Covid-19 is just another example of that viral mechanism
and it's just as deadly now as smallpox was to the
Imagine, after all, contracting Covid-19 today without
of modern
medicine. Cases
of the disease we now shrug off with over-the-counter
medicines would kill millions more than it has already.
In this Covid-19 environment those who continue to
resist getting vaccinated are the new Martians or the
new Native Americans though I'm pretty sure if they'd
known about vaccinations they'd have been first in
Get vaccinated.
Mea Culpa: The woman's original reply include the word
"copulated" but I called a very slow audible and replaced
it with "fornicated" a couple days after its premier
as that word just works better.
And who doesn't
love fornication?