Why couldn't the 115-degree heat wave
in Washington State have hovered over
Washington, DC for a week instead?
After all, Republicans only seem to
understand the severity of important
issues, like climate change, when it
happens to to them.
A year ago Mark McCloskey and his wife stood in the
front yard of their expensive St. Louis home and waved
guns at peaceful protestors, including women and children,
who had taken a wrong turn.
Ten days ago the McCloskey's plead guilty to criminal
charges for what they did that day. They were forced
to give up their guns and pay large fines.
Two days ago the McCloskey's held a rally for his U.S.
Senate bid in a mall parking lot. The empty chairs
far outnumbered the small crowd.
As a footnote, the event required tickets but so few
were sold they eventually threw the doors open to anyone
who happened by.
For the record, no other family in the McCloskey's
'hood stood armed and ready on their sidewalk, ready
to defend America's honor, that fateful day.
And if the
protestors HAD been armed wanna bet the McCloskey's
would have stayed inside?
While Republicans are doing nothing but calling everyone
else pedophiles Democrats are going to pass bills that
fix the infrastructure, aid voting, and help families.
Maricopa County in Arizona now has to get rid of all
their voting machines contaminated by the Cyber Ninjas.
like the perfect opportunity to offer mail-in ballots
for all.
Toyota is a very, very profitable company.
Why the HELL do they need to continue
to bribe congressmen? Especially the
ones determined to subvert our Democracy?