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The progressive web comic about how the GOP underfunded President Obama's pandemic response.

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His Poor Dogs All Got Boned

Back in 2009, during the arguments about the proposed ACA, Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson explained that the Republican health plan was:

"Don’t get sick." That’s right — don’t get sick. If you have insurance, don’t get sick; if you don’t have insurance, don’t get sick; if you’re sick, don’t get sick — just don’t get sick! That’s what the Republicans have in mind for you, America. That’s the Republicans’ health care plan. But I think that the Republicans understand that that plan isn’t always going to work — it’s not a foolproof plan. So the Republicans have a backup plan, in case you do get sick. If you get sick in America, this is what the Republicans want you to do. If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: "Die quickly." That’s right. The Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick."

Who knew it would also be their pandemic plan?


God, I miss Alan Grayson. He was a REAL straight-talker and funny as Hell. Republicans go on about how t-Rump tells it like it is but they're just referring to the racist components of his evil bloviating.

Some other Grayson quotes:

"Republican Party, you're a lie factory, that's all you do."

"I have trouble listening to what [Dick Cheney] says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he's talking."

"I look forward to an honest debate with Governor Palin on the issues, in the unlikely event that she ever learns anything about them."

"Many people improperly lump together libertarians and the TEA Party. That's really wrong. Many of the libertarians are physicists, and many of the TEA Party people don't bathe."

"The real two-party system in America is the Meanies and the Weenies. The Meanies want to take away our benefits and the Weenies want to compromise with them."


Trump: "Okay, what would happen if we just ignore the virus and let people die?"

Advisor: "That's up to you, sir. So far 10,000 people have died from the novel coronavirus."

Trump: "Oh. Really? So what are the suckers, uh, I mean, the people doing in response?"

Advisor: "Nothing, sir. Not a peep."

Trump: "Awesome. How about now?"

Advisor: "30,000 deaths and all's quiet."

Trump: "Wow. That was quick. So how about now?"

Advisor: "70,000 deaths, sir."

Trump: "And are the people rioting? Are they coming to tar and feather me? Are they going to hang me from my heels?"

Advisor: "No, sir. They're apparently all screaming for hair-cuts and tattoos."

Trump: "Then fuck 'em! Let 'em all die. I'm going golfing."


Fair Warning:

If I'm out shopping for goceries, and I see you not wearing a mask, I am going to come up to you, pull my mask down, and breathe on you.

If you think someone out there is contagious THEN WEAR A GODDAMN MASK!

Thank you.


Where have I been for the past week? Oh, you know, shaking in uncontrollable rage at each new atrocity heaped upon the 99.99% of this country by that fat, orange, murderous bastard in the White House.

You know, the usual.


end rant

News & Notes for May 7, 2020

Banana Republic Department of Justice drops charges  against treasonous friend of Trump!

Banana Republic operatives try to frame noted health expert with sexual assault.

Chief Banana of Banana Republic asks court to hide release of his criminal behavior.

Joe Biden leads moldy leader of Banana Republic by nine points.

Chief Banana of Banana Republic engages in new impeachable offense.

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My candidate for last real statesperson President: Jimmy Carter.

A Southern Baptist from Georgia who earned the hatred of the Evangelical "Christian" Right.

He knowingly said true things that hurt his re-election chances. As an athiest I admire his Christianity. (No parentheses this time.)

Obama is head and shoulders above any living Republican, since John McCain died, but he was still obedient to the demands of politics. That doesn't disqualify him from my personal pantheon.

Shorty Fudpucker

What we need is a statesperson. What is a statesman you may ask? A statesperson is someone who will do what is right for the common good of the people he/she represents instead what is good for their political career. When was the last time we saw a statesperson? Ask yourself this when we go to the polls in November (if we are allowed to) is this candidate thinking about the next election or the next generation and the country as a whole. Are they saying what is popular and vote getting, or what is hard and will benefit the country as a whole. Forget partisan politics vote for the best person to do what is right for the people. I understand that the system is rigged for the benefit of big moneyed interests, but we can still control who is in charge of our local and most of our state representatives. Look at them closely. Are they using our state offices as stepping stones or are they working to help their constituents.Will they step in and do their best to make a wrong right, or have a flunky blow you off with "we can't interfere with how a company does business".

Right now my state is having smoke blown up our ass by a man who has the orange dumpster's hand so far up his ass you can actually see the orange fingers moving when he is talking.


The State of New York has many questions they wish to ask the Trumps. With a President and Congress more open to sharing tax returns and other data, they would be in more trouble. Remember Capone rotted in Alcatraz for tax evasion.


In a good world we would see the next President lock up the tRump criminal family like they did John Gotti.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden won't be that man nor do I see any indication from his camp to undo the damage that the donald has done.


Shared on Facebook page.


So, just short of 1.3 million cases & 77,000 deaths. The GOP is requiring people to return to work & they’d love to take away people’s right to sue their employers for forcing them into an unsafe work environment.
And all while case numbers are not only going up, but while they’re shooting up.
And The Orangeutan in the White House thinks now, right now, is the PERFECT time to kill the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
Ask your GOP uncle, “How many deaths are needed before EVERYONE staying at home becomes the right thing to do?”
If they say a number lower than 77,000, ask them why they’re supporting reopening. If their number is 77k to 150k, point out that the US will reach that before the end of June. If their number is higher than that, ask them why they’re willing to sacrifice more than 3 Vietnam war’s worth of dead just so the stock market can go up a few more points.
Oh, and Lefty? Texas’s numbers are still going up. Stay safe....


Now his pod people are claiming masks cut off oxygen to the brain. Of course they cut off their nose to spite their face long ago.

Classic Raging Crappola
trump suicides
Sweet perks.


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2009-2016: Pandemic Cupboard
Obama: We need to restock our supplies.
GOP elephants: No.
Trump: This sucker's empty.
Dammit! Now Ii have nothing to sell to China!
The comic about how the GOP underfunded President Obama's pandemic response.

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