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The progressive web comic about how Trump is half-assing the coronavirus response.

start rant

Failing the Test

Dubya: Drove country into recession, stock market tanked, millions lost jobs.

t-Rump: Drove country into recession, stock market tanked, millions lost jobs.

I'm beginning to suspect that electing businessmen to be president is a rather crummy idea.


t-Rump is reportedly going to hammer Joe Biden for voting for the Iraq war. Don't buy it.

To be clear, Biden voted for the Iraq war because Dubya/Cheney cooked the intel, which led many to believe that Saddam was building a nuke.

76 other Senators besides Biden voted for the invasion.
Blame Dubya/Cheney, not Biden.

(Bernie voted against the Iraq war because Bernie ALWAYS votes against war. Kudos to Bernie.)


end rant

News & Notes for March 9, 2020

The DOW closes down 2000 points.

Trump sweating bullets in belief that journalists will try to infect him with coronavirus.

Who the Hell wants another four years of Trump?

Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Five members of Congress now in quarantine.

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(Comments are moderated for misinformation, not content.)


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"Typhoid Tyrant" very catching... I mean catchy.

Lefty (mod)

How about "The Typhoid Tyrant"?


hillsmom - Of all the names we call him here, and there are some great ones, Pussy Ass Bitch is by far the one that resonates with me most.


The purpose of business is to provide goods or services for a profit. The purpose of government is to write and enforce law. The purpose of law is to protect the weak from the powerful.

Lefty (mod)

Hillsmom, I'm happy to report that PAB stands for "pussy ass bitch".


@NWBIH: What does PAB stand for?
Thanks, =^..^= (president ass butt? I give up)


NWBIH, It is doubtful he won't get an infection from this as he has the following against him.
1. His age: He's 73
2. His obesity, which puts him at risk for lung complications.
3. Already seen gasping for breath while in public and talking about the CoronaVirus / Covid-19.
4. Slurs his speech, which could be caused by many many factors amongst them advanced Syphilis infection.

Getting tested is what he should do to help delay fears, but he won't because of other things that may come up.


Lefty - apologizes, that was supposed to be Joe McCarty. I actually met Eugene back in the early 80's. Nice guy


There is video proof that the PAB has been in contact with people who have had direct contact with Corona. And the latest story online tells me that the PAB is not, and will not be tested.

Oh, the great leaders we have had throughout history... Benedict Arnold, Bruno Hauptman, Eugene McCarthy. And now Donald "dumbass" @%#*&.

Can we hope that his perfect body can withstand the little bitty virus? My wish is that it attack his thumbs first.


I believe we are now experiencing a so-called Black Swan event.

Black Swan- An unexpected cataclysmic event that would cause world wide disruption in markets and more. Like a massive earthquake in Silicon Valley, a dirty bomb going off in a big city or Donald Trump being elected in 2016.

I hope the Koch through Citizens United and Moscow Mitch are extremely happy right now!

BTW, if you refer to the Covid-19 as CV it means a virus and not your curriculum vitae because the response so far has made all of your in the Admin look really, really bad and I wouldn't want that on mine.

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Man: I need to take a test for the Coronavirus!
Trump medic: Okay. Have you died from the coronavirus?
Guy: Uhhhhh, no?
Trimps writes on clipboard: Doesn't… have… coronavirus.

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