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Progressive comic about how Trump is a dangerous psychopath.

start rant


This weird idea came to me in a dream. It's not perfect but the intersection of Norman Bates and Donald Trump was just too irresitable to not commit to paper.


Trump's New's Tweet, 2017:

“Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do."

As it turns out, we DO know what to do. And we're doing it.


end rant

News and Notes for December 6, 2019

War criminal pardoned by Trump can't even get a job at Walmart.

Rudy Giuliani is hiding in Kyiv.

Trump kicks Melania's dad off golf course..

Pelosi calls Trump "a coward".

The Republican impeachment argument is a Catch 22 of stupid.

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