Facebook News
Hardly a day went by during the 2016
presidential campaign when
any number of naive doofii didn't post a bit of lurid
info on my feed from what was obviously a fake-news
to sources, which may or may not be fake, such bogus
information was perused by curious readers at rates
which exceeded examination of real news.
No doubt many Facebookers were predisposed to seek
and breathlessly share macabre fantasies involving
Hillary Clinton and, dun-dun-dunnnnnnnnn,
MURDER! among other grisly topics. Unfortunately, too
many of these same Facebookers let this
sway their judgment
when it came to picking our so-called "leaders".
I hear Facebook is now banning these sites from being
shared but, sadly, they're one election too late.
Interesting Factoid-Thingy: Because of the peculiarities
of the Electoral College a person running for president
could receive 78%of the total vote and still lose the
election. Check
this short yet entertaining video to see the details.
Yes, our system of voting in this country for supreme
Leader is, pardon the vernacular, FUCKED. UP.