For the last seventy straight
months there has been positive job growth
in this country,
believe it or not. That's a pretty incredible
record of achievement
but every time
this information is posited online it's
almost always followed by the same conservative
deal. Those are just minimum wage jobs."
And then I think back to 2005 when the
workers friend, George W. Bush, brought
a woman on stage at an event and when she
told him that she worked three jobs Bush's
response to her was:
"Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean,
that is fantastic that you're doing that.
[Do you] Get any sleep?"
Sadly, I don't think things have changed
all that much in eleven years. Republicans
still think Americans working multiple
jobs for minimum wage is
"fantastic" else they would have
done a better job of applying a "laser-like
on job creation, like they promised in
2010. Or simply raising the minimum wage.
Instead, it's been six straight years of
Thanks for literally nothing, ass-holes.