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Wide Shut
"I'm not qualified to debate the science
over climate change." - John
Boehner, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
He really said that. I am not kidding. You can
look it up.
To keep from looking like a complete fool
any normal person might have gone on to say "That's
why I'm refunding all my campaign donations
oil companies
because if I don't understand
the true nature of the catastrophic climate changes
currently threatening the future of the human race,
and I
honestly have
no intention of educating myself on the problem,
if I just sit quietly in the
corner and wait for the next vote to name a post
But we understand. John's a Republican, and it's
hard to sound sensible when you're busy lining
(All comments are moderated. Believe
me, it's necessary.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Parents: We're not qualified to raise children.
But we'll learn.
Boy: I'm not qualified to drive a car. But
I'll learn.
Girl: I'm not qualified to give CPR. But
I'll learn.
Republican elephant: I'm not not qualified
to debate the science over climate change.
So when's lunch?