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Be Craa-a-a-azy.
reaching out for the all-important white male
vote there is seemingly no insult
so vile that a Republican candidate could make
about women that it would not result in a hearty
from the y-chromosome set.
Fortunately for
us the GOP forgets that people are actually
recording and printing their vile discourtesies,
nor have they figured out how to keep women
from voting (though
it) so the most vocal misogynists have had
difficulty winning their chosen seats of late. In
today's cartoon I scarcely scratch the surface
of accumulated
conservative nit-wittery. Some makes pretty
good Valentine's Day material, some doesn't,
but if
you're of a mind for some choice buffoonery
check out this
list put together by the folks at
I like
to believe that when Ronald Reagan warned us
about Congressman who were "here to help" he
ignorant freaks
like Mr.
King and Mr. Black. |
(To spare you right-wingnuttery
all comments are moderated.)
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Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)
Republican Valentine's Day cards.
Yes, you're a slut, Valentine. But you're
MY slut.
Can't control their libido. huckabee.
Don't worry, Valentine. My love is legitimate.
legitimate rape” rarely become pregnant,
because “the female body has ways to
try to shut that whole thing down.” todd
Don't fight it. God intended for me to rape
I think that even when life begins in that
horrible situation of rape, that it is something
that God intended to happen.” – Richard
Mourdock, Indiana GOP U.S. Senate candidate.
Every feminist deserves those three little
Sit. Stay. Heel.”Feminism was established
so as to allow unattractive women easier
access to the mainstream of society.” -
Rush Limbaugh
I love you because you make the world a prettier
place... by comparison.
I like you because you're so easy to rape.
Some girls, they rape so easy” – Roger
Rivard, Wisconsin GOP State Rep.
Why the hell are you reading this?
