Strike, You're Out!
we were at war, actual war, with another country I'd be
one of the biggest proponents of drone technology...
the enemy started using the same drone technology to
attack this country then
it would really suck.
But America hasn't been at war with another country
for decades. Our military basically just goes where
the oil companies decide profits would be most optimal,
at which point our soldiers kill anyone stupid enough
to shoot back and bribe anyone remaining to forget they
ever saw anything.
Currently we're
using drones to convert people our government finds
"inconvenient" into little terrorist meatballs. If
that means taking out a few of their family
members in the process, wives and kids included, then
it's probably worth
it if it means our citizens can continue to enjoy the
manifest destiny that is cable TV in the comfort of
the homes
left to us among the ashes of the mortgage crisis.
America is in no danger of another 9-11 if
for no other reason than George Bush is no longer president
but the illusion of a threat to the average American
be kept alive in order to feed the military-industrial-succubus,
and to give the military flesh-and-blood targets to
play with, so we roll out the occasional drone strike
against some poor
the "New
up in
some mud hut in the mountains of Wherethefuckamistan. Sometimes
this mook is an American which is troublesome as, even
as a foreign combatant, he's supposed to get due process
before summary execution.
You can see the camel's nose sliding under the star-spangled
tent, tipped with a Hellfire missile, though a president
have to be terribly foolish to use such a weapon over
U.S soil against Americans. And yet, the possibility
We can do better than that, Mr. President.