Question of Balance
I see it, there's a simple
difference between Republicans and Democrats:
Democrats use government to help spread the money supply
Republicans use the government to accumulate as much
of the money supply as they can for themselves.
The obvious difference being that when everyone shares
the same money we will all spend it amongst ourselves.
This is called "a robust economy".
When only a
control the
supply they will use it to accumulate
even MORE money. This is called "trickle down".
they have all the money, we all lose.
Oh, that Mitt.
Romney has so much money he just can't seem to keep track
of it all. I guess that's why he didn't remember to mention
in a Bermuda-based company called Sankaty
High Yield Asset Investors, a
company which somehow wasn't listed on his financial reports
over the past 15 years.
And, as a helpful reminder, Mr. Romney has yet to release
his tax returns. Golly, now why is that?
Also, just five weeks ago Mr. Romney announced that on Day
One of his presidency he would "announce deficit reductions,
ending the Obama era of big government."
Today he said, "My bad. I
meant in 8-10 years."
This reassessment not only gives him a position suitable
for either side of his mouth but it also gives Fox News their
choice of sound bites to propagandize.
Mitt Romney. He cannot tell a truth.
PS, here's a 2012 video of Mr. Romney praising
now our Chart of the Day:
Political Affiliation of Billionaires. (Note: The D's
are self-made. The majority of the R's are in the Lucky
Sperm Club.)

version of chart to be found here.
Republican Job Creation Update
7-6-2012: The
House is adjourned until the 9th of July. No jobs
are being created.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth
please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
Fox News Lies. Dump
Fox News
are the latest group of low-lifes in the Fox
News crosshairs? Hungry
kids. Fuck Fox News.
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