of the Mouth of Boobs
shortest internalized conversation in history probably
sounded a bit like this:
"Hmm, I can either continue
to support progressive ideals or I can run as a presidential
candidate for the party
that will continue to make me filthy, stinking rich.
Keep in mind that Mittens Romney has so much money
that he keeps them in secret Swiss bank accounts.
Swiss. Bank. Accounts.
far as we know, that makes him the only presidential
candidate in American history that had to hide his
fortune, and how he acquired it, from public purview.
You kinda think that might be, you know, important
to the electorate. We'll see.
And, to be honest,
Romney wouldn't cut off his own shlong. He'd invest in
a company that makes rubber shlongs, force it into debt,
sell off all the pieces systematically, then fire all the
is Leo. He died April 4th at the age of 11 as a
result of FeLV. He was without a doubt one of the
most troublesome, hard-headed cats I have ever
encountered... and I am going to miss the little SOB
If you'd like to know more about Leo
I've erected a small
memoriam in his honor on the Infinite
Cat Project.
Note 1: Hermain Cain (Remember him?
Black guy? Ran for president?) headlined a "Revolution
on the Hill" rally in Washington on Sunday.
They expected thousands to attend. The result was,
uhhh, not
so much.
Note 2: Doctors bill for every
little thing they do, because they make more money
that way. But it's such an inefficient
process that
it costs Americans $360 billion dollars a year.
Note 3: You
want to fix
Wall Street? According to Barry Ritholtz
all we have to do is reinstate Glass-Stegall and
the Commodity Futures Monetization Act. I believe
Note 4: For every American soldier
that dies on the battlefield, about 25 veterans
are dying
by their own hands.
Note 5: My new bumper
And now our Chart of the
U.S. Manufacturing Employment 1969-2012 (Demarcations
for Bush and Obama
inaugurations added for smug clarification purposes.)
from epi.org.

here for larger version of this enlightening info.
Republican Job Creation Update
4-18-2012: The
House voted down the Buffet Rule, awarded Lena
Horne a posthumous Congressional Gold Medal,
then argued the
rest of the day about rules to "enhance" hunting,
and shooting. No jobs were created.
Fox News Lies. Dump
Fox News
lads at Fox News have asked their audience to decide
who Fox should choose
as VP. Really? Really.
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