of Futility
now a word from the father of modern linguistics, Noam Chomsky,
on the whys of Black Fridays:
goal for the corporations is to maximize profit and market share.
And they also have a goal for their target, namely the population.
They have to be turned into completely mindless consumers of
goods that they do not want. You have to develop what are called
'Created Wants'. So you have to create wants. You have to impose
on people what's called a Philosophy of Futility. You have to
focus them on the insignificant things of life, like fashionable
consumption. I'm just basically quoting business literature.
And it makes perfect sense. The ideal is to have individuals
who are totally disassociated from one another. Whose conception
of themselves, the sense of value is just, 'how many created
wants can I satisfy?' We have huge industries, public relations
industry, monstrous industry, advertising and so on, which are
designed from infancy to mold people into this desired pattern.”
day in this country young adults are forced
into the streets with
no place
to go
and little
to eat. Luckily for them there's places like Covenant
House. It
not only meets the immediate needs of homeless kids
also helps guide them to a self-sufficient future.
So if
you have a few bucks left over after buying Aunt Thelma
a new snood please consider making a small donation
this holiday season to this worthy organization. Thanks!
Uncle Lefty's Saturnalian Shopping Tips
Looking for that special example of commercial excess
to impress the jaded kin on your Xmas list? Well howzabout
one of these?
This reproduction of an 1892
French phone is pretty
cool but, unfortunately, it requires a landline connection
order to work properly. However, somewhere out there
I'm certain some bright spark is, even as I write
this, converting one to wireless use. And when I see
this little genius trudging down the aisle of my local
grocery store, base in one hand, mouthpiece tucked
under his
taking orders from his wife on the proper diapers
to buy, I will stop and salute this man for making
life just that much more delightfully weird.

Republican Job Creation Update
those interested in such things (That's YOU!), I've updated
the (non)Job Creation website to prepare it for the coming
four years
of conservative
indolence. For
the full list of Republican sloth please visit