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you can no doubt tell this comic was created somewhat
after the debate, which is different for me as I like
have the comic in the can and
ready to go long before the opening bell. But I was
distracted by tonight's debate and I just couldn't
think of a good
idea, if in fact I ever have good ideas, before the
debate began. This one will have to do.
Be that as it may,
I was delighted to watch the prez slowly eviscerate
Mitt, exposing
his stinky layers of hypocrisy one by one. After it
was over the prez waded into a crowd of admirers while
Mittens beat a hasty retreat. It was so much fun I
almost considered it a minor sexual thrill.
Now all we have to worry about is the next debate.

(To spare you right-wing nincompoopery
all comments are moderated.)
That Mitt
is a man without a core, this is a man without substance,
this is a man that will say anything to become president
of the United States. -- Rudy Giuliani on Mitt Romney
in December 2011
One of Mitt's more memorable lines last night, sad
to say, regarded his asking for "binders full of
women", I.E. information on women he would consider
for cabinet
posts. As dopey as it sounded it was total
bullshit. (Spoiler alert: he neither requested
the info nor hired any women to senior positions
on his staff. Yeah, shocker, I know.)
Quote of The Day
"9PM Romney brags that he'll create 12M jobs. 10:30PM Romney exclaims "Government
does not create jobs! Government does not create jobs!" - tweet by Angelo
Today's video: Paul Ryan barges
into soup kitchen and pretends to wash dishes for
photo op. Seriously!
President Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Number 15: Created
Race to the Top
funds from stimulus, started $4.35 billion program
of competitive grants to encourage and reward states
for education reform.
now our Chart of the Day:
Analysis of Romney's economic plan for 2013,
compared to current trend under Obama.

Republican Job Creation Update
the past two years the Republican-led House had the chance to pass any
number of jobs bills to get this country back on its feet. Instead,
they did nothing, hoping that the lousy economy they were nurturing would
ruin Mr. Obama's chance at reelection. That's the Republican way.
For the full 2001-2012 list of Republican sloth please visit republicanjobcreation.com.
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Today's Google
Michelle: Do you have everything you need for the debate
Barack: Lessee... comb, keys, wallet, hanky....
Barack: Cell phone, notes, flag pin...
