Bernie, Go!
massive, gigantic, brobdingnagian props to Bernie
Sanders (I-VT) for
lashing the Senate and the country last Friday with cold,
hard truth for eight hours.
It seems Mr. Sanders doesn't like the Republican idea
of shoveling as much money as possible, as fast as possible,
the pockets of the top 1% or earners. Money that would
otherwise go to much better uses such as roads and bridges,
education, and Social Security.
Bernie's oration totaled 128 printed pages and all that
I've read so far is sheer common sense. I encourage you
to follow the link above and read William Rivers Pitt's
of the event.
On the Ninth Day of Xmas Shopping
my Reddit Secret Santa gave to meeeeeee:
my dog! Raging Pencils has a store! That is, if you
call a couple of t-shirts a store. I'll be adding more
content as I get the hang of the interface but, until
then, check
it out, check it out, check it out!