years ago, in September of 2001, America was
under attack and the whole country, regardless
of party, joined together to vanquish the enemies
of our democracy.
America is under attack again, this time from
within as corporate fat-cats and congressional
conservatives have joined forces to destroy democracy
from within.
mission statement came courtesy of Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell who said that the GOP's
big plan
for the next two years is, and I quote, "The
single most important thing we want to achieve
is for President Obama to be a one-term president."
This basically means they will continue to do
in their power to prevent
job growth, just as they have since Jaunary of 2009.
This is because they have no plan for economic recovery. None. In fact, it benefits
their corporate masters if wages continue to slide and people lose their homes.
The homeless will work for almost nothing. Such is the capitalist dream.
Can you imagine if, back in October of 2002, the Democratic
party stated that their single, unified goal was to make
George W. Bush a one-term president? (If only, although let's
not forget
that George
wasn't elected the first time, merely awarded the Presidency
by a 'one-time-only' decision by the Supreme Court.)
It's safe to say that many, many Democrats would have lost
their jobs, if not their heads, as the result of making such
a brash statement during those troubled times. Why the Republicans
can so blithely make such a sweeping
statement, when millions of Amricans face economic disaster,
and get away with it is simply infuriating.
Such avaricous bastards as these deserve the public stocks, not
stock options.
Just sayin'.
To Restore Sanity Comes Home!

I wanted, fervently, to attend the Rally
to Restore Sanity rally this coming 30th of October,
but three days, minimum, away from the office
wasn't in the cards for me.
So I was elated to hear that the rally has metastacized,
in a good way, and is now in almost every state
in the union. In addition, several foreign
sites are hosting their own rally, too.
The nearest rally to me is in Austin, Texas and
currently there are about 3500 RSVPs. (Rumors
that a Dallas rally is in the offing, too) But
the word is spreading and the numbers are growing.
Share this info with a friend or two, won't you?
To find the rally location nearest
go to
This is good news to a lot of people but, seriously, if you can make the Washington,
D.C. event then please, by all means, go. Tell
'em Lefty sent ya.