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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Frosty" Stanfill

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Today's mystery web comic is:
The Attack Of The 50-Foot Blogger.
C. LaBarbera is a professor in Organismal Biology & Anatomy,
Geophysical Sciences, the Committee on Evolutionary Biology,
and the College of the University of Chicago.
He also has too much time on his hands as he's authored a quite entertaining
web page in which he applies accepted biological and mathematical knowledge to
Take, for instance, the giant octopus from It Came From Beneath The Sea.
The moment it raised itself out of the ocean to crush the Golden Gate bridge
the hydraulic pressures within its own circulatory system should have turned
its brain into guava jelly.
Or how about The Incredible Shrinking Man? As he got smaller his body
was less able to keep warm and so he would have had to eat constantly, like a
shrew. He would have literally starved to death when he finally had to sleep.
Then there are the scientists who shrank themselves to the size of a blood cell
and piloted a similarly miniscule submarine inside the body of a surgical patient
in Fantastic Voyage. At that size their eyeballs would have been smaller
that the wavelength of visible light. Raquel Welch would have still been a total
babe but she would have been effectively blind. (Considering all the guys who
went blind fapping themselves senseless to her "visible wavelength" it
would have only been fair.)
There's more, oh so much more, along this line to be found
here. See you at the movies.

Good idea, but until we can actually
eat the box, too....
Extra Deluxe Obsequious Bonus Fabulousness
The next time some Conservative asshole
goes off about Mr. Obama
"bowing" to foreign leaders, show them this.
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Dailykos • Crooks
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Google Chow.
An ice floe at the North Pole. Day.
Big polar bear: "So I grabs the seal hunter in
both hands, see, and
then each of his arms pop off
like, uhhhh, like..."
Little Polar bear: "Like the Ayles Ice Shelf?"
Big polar bear: "Ooh! Nice one, Frankie."