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Raging Pencils by
Mike "Lefty" Stanfill

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me, Dolly.
Are Everywhere
perusing a topic on outlining the relative
size of the universe I
found the following snippet on the subject that
you might find interesting.
you scoop up a handful of sand. You have approximately
10000 grains of sand in your hand.
If every star in the milky way was a grain of
sand it would fill one olympic sized swimming
pool. Thats 2500 cubic metres
of sand.
If every galaxy in the observable universe was
a grain of sand it would fill 3 olympic sized
swimming pools.
It is estimated there are 70 sextillion (70 000
000 000 000 000 000 000 0) stars in the universe.
Thats 70 times the estimated number of grains
of sand on earth.
70 times.
If the milky way was the size of Asia then our
little solar system would be the size of a quarter.
If the entire universe was a cube which measured
20 miles across on each axis then all the matter
in the universe collected into one place (stars,
planets, asteroids and you!) would be the size
of a grain of sand. (Dark matter not included
until we know what it is.)
So tell me again what the heck we're celebrating
on December 25th. Because if it's supposed to
be significant, it's a very insignificant significance.
Now that I've questioned your most sacred beliefs why not
spite me (Oh, wait... that's a mortal sin. Dang, this is
hard.) by performing a Christmas miracle and feeding the
All you have to do is visit the Second
Harvest/Feeding America website
and donate a few bucks to your local food bank.
And thanks.

Raging Pencils salutes the
Mystery Readers of
you are, thanks for
reading my pervasive
little 'toon.
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The Family Circus Homicide Advent Calendar, Day 16:
Goodbye, Dolly.
Her My Size Barbie lay by the bed,
now graced by Dolly's titular head.