Land of Make Believe
Whether the GOP knows it or not, Trump doesn't really need them any longer. He's not interested in the legislation process as it's too slow and unreliable to steal all that he wants. Better to just fill the White House with cronies and write executive orders until Jesus returns.
Besides, the U.S. Presidency is heretofore to be determined through royal lineage and there is no path of ascendancy by the rabble that infests the Capitol. So who needs Congressmen anymore?
Why does the GOP support Trump and his fershlugginer cabinet picks? Because if they don't he'll have Elon primary them into the stone age and replace them with Trump's cabana boys and fluffer girls.
Besides, they know Trump is going to dismantle anything that looks like fair elections so the current crop of GOP toadies and rusty-trombonists know they're set for life in their cushy little jobs. They probably won't even have to campaign ever again once Bondi and Patel get though with the voting system.
Don't hate me because I'm cynical.