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The progressive comic about ranked voting

end rant


The problem with this cartoon is not that many people are hip to ranked voting, and they don't know about ranked voting because Conservative's are doing their best to keep it a secret, because ranked voting is a damn good idea and the last thing Conservative's want to associate with voting is the notion that the results can be trusted.


If you vote for a candidate who promotes tariffs because he makes it sound like a swell idea then be prepared to spend more for the knife you'll be using to cut your own throat.


Trump threatened the John Deere company with a 200% tariff if they move their manufacturing facility to Mexico but, knowing Trump, what he's probably saying to them is "Make a big enough 'campaign donation' to my PAC and there will be no tariff, capiche?"

Convince me I'm wrong.


If an armed gunman entered one end of a school building and a drag queen holding a copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird" entered the other end, to which end would the children run?

Just asking for millions of schoolchildren continually afraid of death visiting their school at any minute.


Speaking of Second Amendment lunatics, when a gunman goes into a school and shoots kids the judge who adjudicates his case will want to throw the book at him. Which explains why Conservatives hate books. They must hate getting hit by them because, I suppose, they're full of words, and words are hard for gun-owners to understand.

So they burn them and ban them and shoot up schools which, as everyone knows, are just full of books. Sometimes they'll shoot up a church, though not very often because it's just got that one book. But it's still a book, and it scares the bejabbers out of them because it's got all them old-timey words in it.

I submit this as an objective conclusion, that books are the problem, as anyone walking into a school or other place of human habitation and unloading their banana clips on anything with a pulse indicates such a severe deficit of human intelligence and empathy that one would have to conclude that the Second Amendment, the gun industry, and humanity itself suffer from an inherently dangerous defect that we have, for some reason, decided to stop recognizing.

But that couldn't be. Right?


Trump thinks Iran is trying to kill him for some reason, though it apparently has something to do with furniture (JD's sofas?) but here's the story as I've been able to discern it:

General Qassem Soleimani had been the right-hand man to the leader of Iran since 1998. That made him the second most powerful man in Iran.

The U.S. military wanted to enact punitive actions against him (long story) so the Pentagon presented a list of possible scenarios to then-president Trump. The list ranged from political strategies to "extreme options", a common practice of the Pentagon actually meant to deter overly provocative acts.

Trump looked at the list and said "Kill him.". That he took the extreme option reportedly stunned Pentagon officials.

Soleimani died from a drone strike in January of 2020. To put it in perspective, Soleimani's death to the Iranian people would be the same to Americans if Iran drone-struck Barack Obama today.

So, yes, Iran has plans for Trump but only out of simple revenge for an extreme act. (America has invaded countries <cough Iraq cough> over far less.) Trump's response is that he wants to "blow Iran to smithereens" because if there's an extreme option, he'll take it.

And, just to be clear, the two recent "assassination attempts" on Trump were from his own voters but the GOP playbook says to blame them damn foreigners.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftabulous News for September 27, 2024

I can only conclude that Trump is allowing his emails to be hacked.

JD Vance knew Trump was an economic fraud back in 2020 (Voo-doo economics, anyone?).

Democrats are saying "What the heck? Why NOT Texas and Florida?"

The question is: Why has North Carolina removed almost 750,000 voters from its rolls over the past year?

Fuck the filibuster.

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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