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The progressive comic about Trump using the assasination attempt for profit

end rant

Plan Bee From Mar-a-Lago

On the Monday morning after the whatever-it-was that happened in Pennsylvania last Saturday I awoke with several good ideas on how to address the event. One in particular was an image of Trump in the reticule of a rifle's scope and he was saying "I am the chosen one."

I still smile when I think of it, but I think too many people are unaware he actually said that once and, thus, the irony would be misinterpreted.

Anyhoo, I began reading more details of the shooting and became more skeptical as a I went. Trump is currently hiding the "wound" plus any medical info about its severity and there is still no significant information about Thomas Crooks so my cynicism remains justified.

(And I'm wondering today how Crooks knew about that vantage point to shoot from. That took a certain amount of advanced scouting of the area on his part. Also, he didn't have the famous Home Depot ladder with him to ascend the heights. More head-scratching WTF-ery indeed.)

And now Trump has sent out a memo warning that anyone on the campaign that says anything about the shooting will be "terminated". Yes, their words, not mine. You have to wonder what they don't want the public to know, <s>and it's not suspicious at all</s>.

Here's something I DO know: It wasn't the Russians that shot at Trump. (They never miss.)


After the shooting the GOP was all about "turning down the heat" in the political process as though the recent violent rhetoric was the Democrat's fault.


In March Trump said "If I don't win the election there will be a bloodbath."

Just sayin'.


President Joe Biden announced today he wants to ban the type of gun that was used by Thomas Crooks.

Conservatives: "Yes, that would be a... No, that would be a... yes.... no.... yes.... ERROR! ERROR! ERROR! THIS DOES NOT COMPUTE! THIS DOES NOT COMPUTE!"

<sound of tiny brains imploding>


Regarding the differences between Biden and Trump, growing old is not a measure of a man's character. Lying is.


Republicans scream endlessly about the "deep state".
Well, know this, MAGA people:

Thomas Crooks' father was, according to the Trump campaign's own database on hunters and gun owners, the 17th most Republican voter in Pittsburgh, out of almost 20,000 individuals.

To Trump and his Republican pals gun owners are a number, data to be exploited, and it's all because you own guns. And when they finally gain power and don't need you or your guns any more they know exactly how loyal you are and they know where you live.


Hey, Houstonians! You know one reason your state was so slow to fix your electricity?

It's because it's an election year and everything is Biden's fault.

Come into the light. Vote Blue.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftocratic News for July 17, 2024

According to FiveThirtyEight, Trump will go to jail next year.

JD Vance hates Trump and is a hypocritical weasel. He's like rancid peanut butter mixed with those things in litter boxes that look like chocolate.

President Joe Biden calls for ban on assault rifles. Trump, so far, still in favor of future assassination attempts.

Trump proves again that money outweighs justice.

Tenacious D done been Dixie-Chicked. Booo, Australia! Boooooooo!

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Trump to lackey: Shirt sales are sagging, so arrange for me to be stung by a very small bee next week. And this time make sure the beekeeper's a Democrat!

The progressive comic about Trump using the assassination attempt for profit.

gop misogyny comic shooting trump comic