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The progressive comic about commonly shared dna

end rant

Make It A Double Helix

People say we're living in historic times. Well, if Trump gets back in office there will be no history except what Steve Bannon runs though a Bible-limited AI textbook processing machine.

Get ready, future students, for true history featuring Trump being born of a virgin and rising to his full, mature height of 6' 3" and 239 pounds immediately after he chewed his own umbilicus off, with a hammer of steel in one hand and a Diet Coke in the other.


The way I know Jesus didn't exist is that no one on Earth claims him as an ancestor. Millions of humans have traces of Attila the Hun's DNA in them but no Jesus because he's every bit as fictional as Spider-Man.

Though Spidey's papa will always be Steve Ditko.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftopic News for July 12, 2024

Can Biden sustain an hour-long press conference answering questions from a roomful of reporters? Yes, motherfuckers! Yes, he certainly can!

Biden is largely unpopular because of his age. Trump is unpopular because he's big fat liar-pants.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: "Judges Thomas and Alito must be prosecuted."

President Joe Biden's economic programs are kicking Trump's recession's ass!

IRS tells high-wealth taxpayers"Your cheatin' asses owe us a billion smackers!"

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
evolution comic
The evolution of Jeeeesuz!


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

How much DNA do humans share with other creatures?:
chimps: 99 percent don't judge.
worms: 70 percent You mean, I have people in me? Ew, gross!
mushrooms: 50 percent pardon me. Are you donald trump? sigh
god: 0%
God: I created mud and you're made
of mud so…
Lefty: Nice try. Fuck off.

The progressive comic about shared dna

trump assassination comic project 2025 comic