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The progressive comic about the gullibility of MAGA

end rant

Women On the Verge

There are creatures within the Republican Party today barking "You better watch out for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She's smart, she's attractive, and she could be the next president."

Where have I heard this before....

Oh.... yeah.

Br'er Rabbit: "Please don't throw me into that old briar patch, Br'er Fox!"

In other words, there's nothing the GOP would like better in 2028 than another woman as the Democratic candidate for President running against whichever White, inevitably male celebrity they choose as their candidate.

This country had two excellent chances to put a highly-qualified woman into the White House as Chief Executive and both times they were defeated by a racist, rapist real-estate fraud. Biden's 2020 thumping of Trump, a sitting president, proves that it's not Trump that American voters want, it's a human with testicles, Black or White, and Democrats are going to have to take that sad lesson to heart at least until this country matures.

I dearly love me some AOC and some Gretchen Whitmer, also spoken of in equally glowing terms by our Red Hat wearing brethren, but it's clear that too many American voters can't see past basic genetics and long-held backward gender stereotypes and would rather suffer than put a <YUCK!> woman in the White House.


I would like to go on to share something I've espoused since 2019:

Kamala Harris as vice-president was a bad idea. But it was the result of a trap laid by Conservatives.

Simply put, George Floyd's bizarre execution of a Black man in broad daylight was used (some would say orchestrated) by conservative media to amplify the kind of racial tension that required Joe Biden to choose a minority Veep. And the swirling politics of the "Me Too" movement all but dictated a woman in the position.

The GOP wanted nothing better than a female presidential candidate in 2028, but they lucked into one in 2024.

Would Joe have won the 2020 election with a White male as his running mate? I think not. The minority base of the Democratic Party, and middle-class White women, would have abandoned him because they would have felt he abandoned them had the choice been a male of any color.

This assertion would have been moot had President Biden not deteriorated mentally and physically so severely over the past four years and had been clearly able to govern capably until 2028, but it was not to be. Trump is equally as deteriorated in both categories but conservative media was just not interested in reporting that side of the story. For reasons of their own.


Holiday Suggestion: If there's a Trump-voter in your family simplify your Xmas shopping time and save money by gifting them a carton of those expensive eggs and/or a gallon of that exorbitantly-priced gas they traded for democracy and sanity.


I'd like to thank those who responding to my query about the Raging Pencils RSS feed. I feel better now.


Today's Retread-O-Matic comic is from November 7, 2016. It was a final, desperate plea to voters to wise up to what could happen.

- Lefty

end rant

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Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

Things children believe
kid: There is a Santa Claus.
girl: Jesus watches over me.
The Tooth Fairy takes your old teeth and leaves you money. Our dog got sent to a farm.
White racist motherfucker: Trump will make America great again.

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