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The progressive comic about how Trump voters rationalize

end rant


The new evidence, 1,889 pages, against Trump for election interference was released today. I'm told it boils down to this:

The Trump cabal absolutely tried to steal the election and Trump was very much involved in the process. They even wrote memos and planned out which ways it would work out best. Almost all of it hinged on Pence playing the game.

Meaning... he's guilty.



Trump has been pulling out of interviews one after the other.

The official explanation is "exhaustion" but I suggest it's "uncontrolled explosive diarrhea".

The first you can work through. The other will make you dance funny.


Kamala Harris has a LOT on her plate right now and yet, in the middle of a contentious interview with her political opponent's propaganda wing, she could quickly discern a piece of edited video that would have gone right over the heads of most of us.

The woman is remarkable. Small wonder the corpo-fascist's are worried.


Big Family Reunion on the 5th of November. Looking forward to seeing all 81 million of you Democrats at the ballot box again.

And bring the kids, if they're old enough to vote.

- Lefty

end rant

Leftastical News for October 19, 2024

About a gazillion pages of incriminating evidence against Trump was released today.

Kamala's Fox News interview drew four times the audience of Trump's interview.

Trump keeps canceling interviews.

Elon Musk donates $75 million to Trump campaign.

Zelensky says "It's either NATO or nukes".

If you need a break from the insanity that swirls around us
then enjoy the fuzzy love of The Project:

the infinite cat project

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Classic Raging Crappola
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Paid to shit but only farted.


Google Chow (Eat hearty, little Google-bots!)

MAGA: Sure, Trump is a scumbag, but he was BORN to be a scumbag! Just look at his family. He can't help himself. Fish gotta fly, bird's gotta poop.
But, Kamala? She chose to be Black and decided to be a woman while still in the womb. And that's why I can't vote for her!
Sir, this is a Wendy's.

The progressive comic about how Trump voters rationalize.

trump lies comic