the Beetles
Fun Fact: There are so many species of insects that, statistically
speaking, mammals are kind of a rounding error.
This 'toon above is what I call "Comic #2,173 in a
series of 78,000,000 proving that there is not, and never
has been, a god."
The proof of god being that if everyone actually KNEW there
was a god, that he appeared on Jimmy Kimmel one night and
whipped up several new specimens of tyrannosaurus rex to
the tune
of "Man of La Muncha", then mankind would be at once nicer
to one another, owing to that nasty old "Hell" issue, and
the planet would be horribly overpopulated as we'd all have
to agree that the Catholics were right all along about the
rhythm method.
And wrong.
So Conservatives, in particular, know there is no Hairy Thunderer
sitting in the clouds keeping an ear open for the singular
sound of self-abuse,
among other "sins", and are just using the threat of eternal
damnation on the clueless masses in order to shape
our world into
the sinister paradise for the greedy and power-hungry it
has become.
Many people, uh, some people, uhhh, okay no one has asked
why my vision of "god" is a Negro rather than Caucasian Charlton Heston. It's
because anthropologists have determined that the human race
originated in Africa,
means since
the Bible claims we were created in god's image then he
must have been a Black man.
PS, Dear Andrea; Nyahhhh!