In Rotten Houses...
Why am I wasting valuable time and energy on a waste
of otherwise perfectly good RNA and/or a walking
baboon-turd like Kyle Rittenhouse? Especially when
the GOP is currently rubbing
its collective paws in glee over the prospect of
this country
with a side order of dystopian misanthropy.
Two reasons.
One, this morning I visited the online forum of a
gaming site I frequent and was rewarded with a picture
of the murderous prick-with-ears accompanied by the
words, in all apparent sincerity, "This is my hero".
After a personally rewarding flurry of unpleasant
words hurled in response I then visited Twitter whereupon
Part Two of my sudden interest in Satan's sphincter-cheese
cemented itself when I when I discovered that the
venomous pustule was starting a Youtube channel devoted
the Second Amendment.
Evidently he'll be sharing tips on how to find the
best states in which to murder people under the shroud
of protection provided by stand-your-ground laws. That,
or how to cry on command in the witness