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Progressive comic about Trump's massive federal deficit

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If you, as president, fail to plan ahead for a worldwide public health crisis and the market falls 2000 points (and counting) as a result, you might be a moron.


In 2018 t-Rump slashed funding for the Center for Disease Control. Which is unfortunate because reports are that the Coronavirus will spread through this country for another year.

t-Rump's concerns are currently about how the virus will affect the stock market and, consequently, his reelection bid. As such, instead of launching a moon-shot Coronavirus prevention program t-Rump is instructing his administration not to say or do anything that will spook the stock market.

Yes, American citizens dying quietly in anonymity would be the best thing for The Chosen One.


It's HILARIOUS listening to pundits whine and cry about Bernie, an Independent Socialist, stealing the Democratic candidacy when Trump, who is a Republican in name only, stole the Republican candidacy in 2016.


Here's the final footnote (heh-heh) in the story about my beknighted knee:

It occurred to me that the problem was bursitis, so I iced the knee, guzzled ibuprofen and kept it immobile. However, by Saturday morning the knee swole to Trumpian dimensions so I hustled myself off to the local Theodoric of York for more learned examination.

Prognosis: Bursitis.

Treatment: Ice it regularly, take ibuprofen, and rest.

All that for just $140.

Medicare For All!


end rant

News & Notes for February 25, 2020

Joe Walsh: "I'd rather have a socialist in the White House than a con man."

Saudi Arabia funnels millions to Trump campaign.

Doctors had to hide vegetables in Trump's food.

Trump launches attack on the women of the Supreme Court.

Republicans worry about the coronavirus. Trump worries about the stock market.

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Classic Raging Crappola
trump is a moron
Trump is a moron.


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