currently wasting too much free time (Free time?
What is "free time", Earth man?) playing
a 17-year-old computer game on my G5 Mac.
And it
totally rocks.
graphics, exciting game play, monsters with personality...
It is, of course, Doom.
I'm using a little app called Doomsday MiniStart
which has the effect of playing Doom WADs on caffeinated
crack. It adds
pseudo-3D and multi-player capability plus a seemingly
infinite variety of lighting and special effects
that breathe new life into this classic. The Lost
Souls never
glowed so beautifully, the blood never splattered
so liberally and let's not forget the sparking tracers
of machine-gun bullets gaily ricocheting off the
walls as they seek to slash your all-too-meager reserve
of health.
I find myself constantly amazed at the genius of
this landmark game, the note-perfect sound-design,
clever traps,
the BFG-9000. It still has the ability to make me
like a
times, and I will never
the breath-taking spectacle of turning a corner and
into a huge room filled with literally hundreds of
Cacodemons, Pain Elementals and Lost Souls... and
the program
didn't even breathe hard.
Bloody genius, that is.
I owe a large
debt of gratitude to the clever lads who
created Ministart, and I hope when I graduate to
an Intel-based Mac there'll be a port of the app
waiting for me.