Is Cloture Country
You no
doubt know that the Republicans have been using the filibuster
at a record
pace since President Obama was elected, right? You don't?
Well, here's what I mean by "record pace":

See that tallllll brown line
on the right-hand side of the graph? That's the G.O.P.
throwing a monkey-wrench in everything.
We're not talking baby-killing or building giant statues
featuring Hilter breast-feeding Stalin, we're talking
about funding the military, keeping kids healthy, making
sure people have jobs. That kind of thing.
Conservative knot-heads always rejoin that the Dems
stymied President Bush's judicial appointments.
not even close.
Today, 41 Obama judicial nominees have
been confirmed after an average wait time of 90 days,
versus 78 GOP confirmations by this time in the Bush
presidency with an average wait time of 22 days.
And there are currently 420 pieces of legislation passed
by the House that the Republican Senate simply can't
find the time to address. They're so busy keeping America
safe from tyranny, you know.
The Republican stance is "If we can't have
it our way we're taking our ball and going home." But
it's not their ball, it's our ball.
What they want is our ball, so the
big cry-babies can take it home and keep it forever.
And, with the help of the Chamber of Commerce and Citizens
United, they just might.
So vote. It's important.
(Chart borrowed from
Thanks guys.)
To Restore Sanity Comes Home!

I wanted, fervently, to attend the Rally
to Restore Sanity rally this coming 30th of October,
but three days, minimum, away from the office
wasn't in the cards for me.
So I was elated to hear that the rally has metastacized,
in a good way, and is now in almost every state
in the union. In addition, several foreign
sites are hosting their own rally, too.
The nearest rally to me is in Austin, Texas and
currently there are about 3500 RSVPs. (Rumors
that a Dallas rally is in the offing, too) But
the word is spreading and the numbers are growing.
Share this info with a friend or two, won't you?
To find the rally location nearest
go to
This is good news to a lot of people but, seriously, if you can make the Washington,
D.C. event then please, by all means, go. Tell
'em Lefty sent ya.